

Still busily sorting out things in the storage shed. A lot of old books or even notebooke I took at the med school. One of them is that for neurological anatomy. The professor wrote fine and beautiful schema of neurologicl anatomy on the board. We, students, were wholeheartedly copy them on own notebook. It was the very first lecture we had at a lecture theater at the faculty. A bit different from expectation for a medicl class. However, we were keeping the note without thinking anything. The notebook clearly reminds me of those days.

One of the big problems in clearing the shelves was what to do with QSL cards in several, even more than ten, cardboard boxes. From all over the world. Unfortunately, I could never remember anyone of the senders. I just remembered of Joe AH2G complaining of a lot of boxful QSL cards. He didn't need any more but had a lot more sent by the bureau without rest. Maybe, most cards were for so called rubber stamps. Since the development of internet has changed the essence of amateur radio, if not all, the QSL card means quite different from pre internet era. 

I decided to discard them all except for several ones. One of the exceptions is the QSL cards from FOC members. In 1988, I could join the club and, for the next several years, I have been quite active talking to the members all over the world. I am not choosing them for the membership but they were almost the only gang I could enjoy chatting those days. This photo shows some of them. There must be others in the other file cases. I could specifically imagine of the operators behind those cards. They are not only verification of QSOs. 

So things are sorted out and I will be more disengaged from the past.



  1. Hi Shin, we will be moving house and I had the same problem, boxes of cards which I never look at. It seems a pity. I threw all of them out except a few memorable ones.

    1. What place are you moving to? You could enjoy gardening there? We have made right decision about QSLs. We just need memories of good QSOs. It will be a big work for you to move, I am sure. Don't get back pain...I remembered you are much younger than me!
