
A New Headphone

I have purchased the headphone of Sony mentioned in a previous post on Feb 10, MDR CD900ST. From an online shop different from Amazon this time! A brand new one has arrived here yesterday.

 This model is told to have been produced as a professional monitor headphone back in 1989. They have started selling it to ordinary audio fans in 1995. I have got the last one MDRZ700 about 15 years ago, which I have loved so much. I thought the latter model was revised from MDRCD900ST. I thought the basic concept of MDRZ700 might be derived from MDRCD900ST. And there must be a reason, certain good quality, why this MDRCD900ST has been approved in the market for such a long time. These were the reasons why I chose it among so many models.

As a conclusion, this model is satisfying to me. 

There are a few good points with it. The most important thing was the high fidelity in higher audio range. It might seem even accentuated in that range. As I told in the previous post, I have had my hearing ability deteriorated in the higher audio range as most old timers experience. When listening to a quartet piece, the 1st violin sounds far behind the other 3 parts to me, especially when the 1st violin plays high position on E string, always most emotional part of a music. It was disappointing and was always realizing of my age. Like MDRZ700, this model sounded great in that range.

Another satisfaction with it was the clear localization of the instruments. With chamber music, each instrument sounds in separated manner each other. Of course, it sounds in the middle of my brain, that is, exactly between ears as all the headphone system does. But clear distinction and localization of each instrument in sound field is so pleasant. Last night, I have listened to Faure's 1st piano quintet by Via Nova String Quartet with Jean Hubeau, which I have been listening to since my school days. I was even surprised at the localization of the instrument. Together with grown higher range of audio, it made me appreciate the profound vibrato the 1st violin player has made. I was almost touched its beauty. I felt as if Faure had whispered quietly to me.  

I should admit the localization might depend partly on the music source. After that Faure, I listened to Mahler's 10th symphony. With such a big orchestra piece, the localization was not so clear as chamber music. This symphony has, however, convinced me the audio quality was quite excellent with this headphone. 

The downsides I noticed, if they were not serious at all, are relative shortage of lower end audio. We could never, I know, anticipate such audio characteristics with headphones of small driver. For a closed type headphone, the lower portion of audio was not overwhelming. It may mean we should use such a headphone to listen to such as chamber music or other small sized ensemble. The structure to hold the driver housing was not strong enough. That was the part I broke with the last MDRZ700. It won't be a problem if I handle it carefully.

This headphone will be a good friend of mine when going to sleep. Maybe, for another 10 years. Should my hearing acuity be remained good enough for the period. 

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