
String quartet Molto agagio by Lekeu

 Recently, I found this piece to be one of the most beautiful pieces in any genre.

Molto agagio sempre contante dolorioso for string quartet by Lekeu, a Belgian composer. He has lived in the end of 19th century. He was talented in music since young days and has been taught by Franck.

I have been enjoying his piano trio, piano quartet and cello sonata. Even though I owned this music as CD, I seldom listened to it and could not appreciate its beauty until now.

It starts with an ostinato motif by cello accompanying 1st violin singing the theme of sadness and desperation. Including this theme, all the thema have been tinted deep sadness. But interesting enough, they are associated with a kind of relief as well at the same time. Dual emotion is evoked with this piece as great Bach's works, I believe. In the end, the ostinato motif is recalled and it ends quietly.

A scripture is written on the 1st page of the score, they say. It is the saying of Jesus at Gethsemane as follows;

My soul is deeply sad even unto death.

This must be the motto of this piece. This religious background might be the reason why we could perceive a kind of relief throughout this piece.

The other and most impressive fact is that this piece was composed at his age of 17. Could that young guy compose such a serious work? He was a real genius in fact. Too bad he has died at the age of 24 years. All his works sound precocious or rather  matured too early. He has lived too fast even if it was not what he had intended. I feel that from his every works. 

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