
A sign of early fall and Brahms

 Several days ago, a couple of typhoons have passed by here. It has left a bit cooler atmosphere in morning and evening than in midsummer. A gentle wind stroking my face has surprised me a lot late in the afternoon. It sure told fall had come close to us now.

The egg plants in the garden farm have been bearing a lot of them this summer. I was surprised to see them grow slow simultaneously. The biological clock in them was faithfully marking the passage of time. The tomatoes are growing slowly for now. In my optimistic view, they might have gone on growing and bearing fruits much longer. 

Harvesting a lot of egg plants, I have cooked them with sweetened miso.

It was so fresh that the picture became cloudy with hot vapor from the dish. In order to activate the weakened egg plants, I have cut a few branches of each plant and have put some fertilizer. Hopefully, they might produce some more for a month or two.

It is the season to listen to Brahms as I have already told before. Clarinet quintet was one of his works which he had composed in the very last chapter of his life. As reiterated, it is a song of passion for life which is eventually overcome with resignation. Isn't it the same as my own life? That is why it attracts me so much. 

Two violins starts singing a theme in unison in three note minor chord. It sounds like wandering somewhere or breezing in fall hill. Very impressive. In my personal memory, this theme brings me back to a day when I listened to it played by a quartet in a orchestra camp. It was held at foothills early in fall, exactly, in the end of this month. It has stroke me intensely. I still remember how it sounded. The theme will be recalled in the end of the last movement as if remembering of young days. This variation in the last movement could not be listened to without tears in the eyes.

I have listened to this performance by Wlach and Wiener Konzerthaus String Quartet quite often ever since. I have not dreamed of listening it at this age in my life in this way.

Sorry I might have uploaded the same thing with the same clip. But anyway, it is the music for me to listen to in this season. It might be because of the cold lager I have had tonight. 

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