
Tomato budding

  A couple of days ago, I have layed seeds of tomatoe on a wet paper in a plastic box. It was to induce budding. It is placed on a small hot carpet. They say wet environment plus warmth is required to have them bud out. It is my 1st ever experiment. I need its seedlings earlier than they are sold in shops. Because they should bloom and bear fruits before the rainy season starts in June. Tomatoes are originally from the high land in South America and require dry and modestly warm weather. Rain could damage them badly as I have experienced for a few times in the past.

Anyway, the 1st step was successful. I am really excited to see some of the seeds budding. Very tiny budds. It may sound a bit too exaggerated but it sure is the miracle of life. They say water penetrates the wall of seed and activates gibberellin, a plant hormone, which accelerates budding. Epigenetic/genetic processes are involved in the cascade. That miraculous processes are occurring in this tiny seed. Not well focused photo of the budding seed here.

I would grow them in pots in a simple "green box". In the end of April or the beginning of May, I may plant grown tomatoes on the ground.

Nothing is better than home grown matured tomato. Expecting them in June, I am feeling quite excited again. Hopefully, I would keep them growing until it gets frosty late in fall. 


  1. Down here there are healthy tomato plants sprouting from compost now.
    By the way (1), I bought bone conduction headphones and they are especially good with classical music because of improved high frequency hearing.
    By the way (2), Kousen girl will graduate next month and start at Osaka Geidai in April!

    1. Steve, without (2), I could hardly identify of you! Please put your call sign in your comment. It is always appreciated. Very good on bone conduction headphone. How about the low range of audio? I am glad your daughter has found her own way to go. I am afraid you will come to Osaka so often! What major? I wish her very good luck in new life there.
