
A few additions

I was pleased to hear a lot of sympathy to me having decided to quit radio. Especially from old friends. But I am afraid it has caused a disturbing emotion in some of them. Possibly, I should have quit it keeping the saying in mind that old soldiers just go away. Anyway, I appreciate all the comments and mails to me.  Recollecting the long period I have shared with them, I read them with most gratitude.

It might be superfluous to add a few more things to the previous post. It is still what I have thought about CW for the past years and often mentioned about them in this blog. I would gild the lily even though I am not sure the previous post was a lily at all. 

Regarding the scientific elucidation of Morse Code reception. I am regretful I haven't finished summing up researches of Morse Code reception process and proposing my own idea. I dreamed to bring it written in scientific words. I am not a researcher or even a scientist any longer. Just an amateur for science or psychiatry necessary to depict it. Since I have devoted to Morse Code communication for such a long time, I still would like to continue paying efforts to materialize it. The importance of expectation in Morse Code reception has been reported in psychological research by a group in Spain recently. It was comparable to my analogy between Morse Code reception and listning to music. But it seems the researchers are not CW operators, or proficient in Morse Code reception by themselves. I wish someone proficient in CW as well as in brain science/psychology would be involved in this field of research. Without grammar, Morse Code is not a language itself. Comparison of Morse Code is often claimed by some CW operators, but it is just a system of simplest codes for communication. It must be investigated in epistemological as well as scientific term. Even if it is extinguished in practical communication like ham radio, it could survive as an object for that purpose, I believe.

It takes us much energy and time to master CW. If new comers believe the pleasure of communication with CW surpasses the amount of efforts to master it, they would carry it on. I guess, without that, they won't be interested in conversational CW. CW operators should verbalize what makes them enchanted with. It may help conversational CW to survive in ham radio. It may make young fellows feel it's worth paying efforts to become proficient with CW. If old timers talk about CW from their nostalgia, I am afraid, it won't move young fellows. In this respect, I should have put more effort in it. It is another regret for me. I hope CW proficient and conversation oriented operators to talk concretely about their pleasure in CW. It is not easy but worth doing. 

So that is it. I may return to the garden farm, where I should plant fall/winter veggies for now. It is not the time of my funeral yet!


  1. Morse code is not limited to amateur nor commercial communications. Exercising those fading millions of neurons can be used as a means of liminting or perhaps preventing the arrival of alzheimer's disease, presenile dementia, senile psychosis, etc. At 35 or 40 wpm, neurons don't have time to retire. Anyone interested in this field would be of interest to me and probably others.

    1. Morse Code learning might be of help to abate the aging process as a stimulus to our brain. But Alzheimer's disease etc relentlessly destroy neural tissues with accumulation of beta amyloid protein. If you could prove Morse Code activity would limit or prevent such degenerative process, you may be awarded for Nobel Prize. Insomnia could be a risk factor for Alzheimer's since sleep augments catabolism process of beta amyloid protein in CNS. So elderly should be careful to maintain good sleep, not being absorbed in radio throughout nights! hi
