
Acute Ischemic Stroke occurs 10 times more in elderly with COVID19 infection.

A large scale study of COVID19 cases in relation with acute ischemic stroke in Medicare beneficiaries elderly age group in the US has been published in Neurology.

It tells that in the acute phase of infection, that is, within 3 days after being infected with COVID19, elderly could occur cerebrovascular ischemic event 10 times more frequently than non infected people with the same age group. There could be patients with acute ischemic stroke who turned out to be infected with COVID19 in medical care facilities. Less elderly and with no past history of acute ischemic stroke are the risk factors.

This may reflect that COVID19 is essentially a systemic vasculitis in pathophysiology. The acute ischemic stroke may be a result of vasculitis. There are still some people insisting COVID19 is a kind of common cold. This epidemiological study warns it is not correct. Despite of deregulation for COVID19 precautions in such as Denmark or UK, the number of the cases is decreasing. It could only be a natural course of infection surge. There could be another spike in some time. Taking together this vasculitis complication with long COVID, we should not look it down but get ready for another surge.     



  1. Dear Dr. Shin (Sin),

    We had a QSO today (10-4-2022) on 21.034 mHz at 22:22. Having read your comments about 599 reports, I want to assure you that the 599 I gave you was accurate and honest.

    Apparently we have had 3 contacts. I do not know when the second was - I am old-timer who still keeps paper logs - but I have a card for a QSO with you on July 25, 1990, on 21.325 mHz SSB and I gave you 5/8 at that time. In my log is writtten "Mokha." I see that モカ is a port
    on the Red Sea.

    Even though I have been on the air for a long time - since 1955, I am still afraid of electromagnetic radiation, and so I have short QSO's, most often on CW. I have read several books, remembering only The Zapping of America many years ago that talked about American ambassadors
    dying from radiation when the Soviet Union would intercept letters on electric typewriters!!! Apparently each letter had a different frequency.

    Anyway, I have bothered you enough for today. I enjoyed meeting you again and hope there will be another opportunity. Please stay well, and safe, and happy. Vy 73 de David, W8HFY

    1. David,

      Thanks for the QSOs and this comment. I could not help smiling to know our very 1st QSO was on SSB!! I seldom operate that mode any longer.

      Radiation from RF must be mainly from the antenna and its energy to cause tissues of our body should be low and, I believe, it won't be harmful to it. If it was so harmful to us, we ham radio operators might die at much younger age!

      Anyway, see you again soon. Stay well.


    2. PS; Sorry for belated response. I haven't realized your comment until today.
