
Red blossom ume is out

Following white blossome ume, red one is coming out. 

I thought this order of flowering had been dependent on the color of the flowers. Looking it up, I knew it was not the case. The ume species are divided to 14 kinds. Each kind has own flowering period. I am also impressed to know ume belongs to Sakura family Rosaceae. Does this taxonomy mean ume is akin to cherry in rose species? Since genetic study has probably contributed to classification of plants, these plants must be evoluted from the same origin. Two family members are living in our garden.

My brother told me, when I had let him know these ume had been out, he remembered our mother doing house chores on the side of these trees. The scene is clearly coming up in my mind as well. This is the remembrance we, only family members, could share. Even however trivial thing it might be. 

Our lives, including those trees, are being existing at the same time and at the same place for a while. In some time, we get separated and will be eternally away each other. We should cherish each moment being and crossing each other at the same time. 


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