
An unforgettable ham radio friend Steve KW7Q

A few days ago, I received a short note from Steve KW7Q. It was an update on himself and inquiry about me. It's been a couple of years since he retired from Colo State Univ. As I wrote about it somewhere before, we used to enjoy chatting on 40m CW in early '80s. He was finishing the postgraduate school majoring in atmospheric science in Seattle while I was starting career as a pediatrician. My old log says we have had a lot of QSOs those days. His call was WA0UIR/7 then. When we met again after a long hiatus several years ago, I could not recognize him at once. Knowing of his previous call, memories of QSOs with him vividly came back. His "rushing" and smooth CW. I could not help smiling hearing his keying in the same manner as those days.

He has got a position at the university mentioned above. In the field of his profession, he seemed to have achieved a great sucess in research. He was awarded for honor of American Meteorogical Society. I didn't know Colo State University was the mecca of that science field in the world.   


I am sure he had ground away at his research. Or he might have enjoyed all his career as a researcher judging from his enthusiasm in ham radio. He might have spent the same energy for his research as for ham radio. At retirement, as he told, he got a beam at home at last, which he had never had in his ham radio journey. He was always running a small set up with some wire antenna wherever he might be. A couple of years ago, he has joined FOC while I quit it almost at the same time. It was a shame we could not enjoy its membership together. But I am sure he will do credit the club for his enthusiasm and activity. 

Recalling of my own life, I wonder what achievement I have done in my life. Maybe, nothing comparable to his achievement. If I had to choose, the kids I have cared for and their smiles must be the only reward for me. Again, I am deeply impressed at how long time has flown for us. I wish him fruitful and healthy retirement from now on. Don't forget riding bicycle as he used to. As they say, "Exerecise may be the single most potent medical intervention ever known." 

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