
Horrible incarnation of greedy capitalism

At first, it sounded like a joke that Trump would annex Canada. It seems, however, he is still serious at that desire as this news tells;


Isn't Canada the closest ally for the US in diplomacy as well as economy? Could you do with friends in Canada while approving Trump's idea or being indifferent to this mess? Trump is greedy enough to obtain the natural resource in Canada. Isn't it a terrible imperalism, which we have overcome long time ago? 

His desire to make the Palestinians emigrated somewhere from Gaza and to own their land to build a resort was not a joke but a realty, either.

In addition, he would ally with or has already been an asset of Putin Russia. They would share authoritarean dictatorship in their countries. Now, I am pretty sure the scheme is already drawn in his mind.

If the US people let him go in this way, the international relationship especially in the free western side would be ruined. I don't think his desire would come true. But if they should resort to the military power incomparable with the other countries, there could be another era of authoritarean dictatorship in the world.

I wonder if the American people would overlook the present situation messed up by your president. I am sure demolition of democracy in the society would come on to you with much pain soon. He would materialize the dictatorship anywhere whether it might be oversea or domestic. Of course, it should be accompanied with recession of the economy.

Horrible incarnation of greedy capitalism is in the White House for now. 

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