
Yard farm in sleep until next spring

This year, 10 plants of taro have been grown in the yard farm. Several years ago, I have failed growing this kind of veggie maybe due to lack of good watering in the mid summer. This time, well irrigated, they have grown pretty well. Each fruit was not so big but prosperously grown. The last 5 plants have been harvested today. 

I have simmered taro and chicken seasoned with sweetened soy sauce. Peeling each fruit was a bit tiring. Fried well before being boiled, they have been cooked soft and tasty. 

For the harvest next spring, there are dozens of onions and 10 garlics in the farm. Cabbages and broccoli are still growing and might be harvested before frost comes in here. 

We have enjoyed a lot of eggplants, green peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, potatoes and sweet potatoes this summer. I feel they are blessings to us from the Nature. Sorry but we should give up collecting the fallen chestnut fruits this fall. Too much work load to get them peeled and cooked. Appreciating those products, I will have yard farms go into rest. Until next spring. The yard farm will be in quiet sleep for a while.

Everything is going on around a year, seemingly, in the same manner. Carefully watching how they go on, I could find subtle but steady change every year. In the activities of the Nature, I am still a part of that. The Nature won't go on in the same way, exactly speaking. So will I. Working in the Nature, just part time in my case, tells me I belong to it and won't stay in the same manner. 

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