
"Season's greeting mail"

I used to send season's greeting letter to friends 20 years or so ago. Later, it has been changed from mail letter to e mail. Recently, I felt it as a kind of mannerism and converted that e mail to an article in this blog. It is a trivial history but still an important milestone in my life.

Two decades ago or even before that, I have run across with Mary KA0OMX, who operatd mobile on the way, possibly, to a conference or something. She was a school nurse or a teacher involved in that field. I can't remember what we have talked then. It might be concerned about our professions both of which were related with children in sickness. After that, we have had a few more QSOs. Around Christmas, she used to send me a season's greeting mail which told me how she had spent a year with some photos. It seemed she had been doing that for her friends or folks and had added me in the circle. I always enjoyed them so much that I could not resist doing the same thing. That was how I had started that habit myself.  

She seemed to have changed her call to one by three type later. I have seen her once or twice. But no more QSOs and I haven't received that season's greeting any longer. Some 20 years have passed since then.

Here is another season's greeting like mail I got from an old friend of mine Joe, KC0VKN, several days ago. It was just to let me know he had moved from Iowa to Michigan and had started a new ranch home there. He used to work at a university in Iowa. He is still attending there once a week or so. His wife has got a work position in Michigan. Some cattle he used to care for have been moved to the new place as the photo in the letter shows. One of his daughters is already living away home by herself for now. The other is a teenage girl. Both were only toddler or a bit older when I used to talk to Joe.

What a big exodus he and his family have executed! As Joe himself told me, it must have been a hard and big peoject. He is still a young man, maybe, in his forties. That was the reason why he had planned such an event and had completed it. Without regular chat with him on the air, this kind of letter is good enough for me to know how he is doing. I just wished all of them blessing and progress of that project of move.

This mail has made me feel I would resume that mailing or e mailing to friends at the end of a year so far as I could.

I was chuckling when he told in the letter he had been keeping a regular sked on 80m with Mike W0VTT. Both of them are really great ragchewers, I know! I am afraid they might run out topics to talk about soon. 

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