It was seasoned only with soy sauce and sake. Pretty good.
A semiretired pediatrician living in a countryside in Japan will describe what he thinks of his hobbies, life and the events around himself.
Oyster rice
It was seasoned only with soy sauce and sake. Pretty good.
RF Kennedy. Jr and the position of the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the US
I was really surprised to read this sentence on her cousin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., by Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg. It must be a difficult decision for her to comment on him in this way.
Whatever may happen, this guy should not be assigned to the position of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. As Caroline Kennedy said, he seems to have had a personality not suitable for the position. He has been a keen anti vaxxer based on conspiracy. He has been earning profit from HPV law suits. In the senate interview, he has showed least knowledge on the health care field. It seems he would replace Medicare and Medicaid to private insurances.
Maybe, being not an American, I should not commit such a domestic problem of Trump administration. But the health administration especially in relation with international medical aid or medical research funding etc is not only a domestic problem in the US.
The full statement by Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg to members of the Senate, urging them to reject RFK Jr.'s nomination.
"Season's greeting mail"
I used to send season's greeting letter to friends 20 years or so ago. Later, it has been changed from mail letter to e mail. Recently, I felt it as a kind of mannerism and converted that e mail to an article in this blog. It is a trivial history but still an important milestone in my life.
Two decades ago or even before that, I have run across with Mary KA0OMX, who operatd mobile on the way, possibly, to a conference or something. She was a school nurse or a teacher involved in that field. I can't remember what we have talked then. It might be concerned about our professions both of which were related with children in sickness. After that, we have had a few more QSOs. Around Christmas, she used to send me a season's greeting mail which told me how she had spent a year with some photos. It seemed she had been doing that for her friends or folks and had added me in the circle. I always enjoyed them so much that I could not resist doing the same thing. That was how I had started that habit myself.
She seemed to have changed her call to one by three type later. I have seen her once or twice. But no more QSOs and I haven't received that season's greeting any longer. Some 20 years have passed since then.
Here is another season's greeting like mail I got from an old friend of mine Joe, KC0VKN, several days ago. It was just to let me know he had moved from Iowa to Michigan and had started a new ranch home there. He used to work at a university in Iowa. He is still attending there once a week or so. His wife has got a work position in Michigan. Some cattle he used to care for have been moved to the new place as the photo in the letter shows. One of his daughters is already living away home by herself for now. The other is a teenage girl. Both were only toddler or a bit older when I used to talk to Joe.
What a big exodus he and his family have executed! As Joe himself told me, it must have been a hard and big peoject. He is still a young man, maybe, in his forties. That was the reason why he had planned such an event and had completed it. Without regular chat with him on the air, this kind of letter is good enough for me to know how he is doing. I just wished all of them blessing and progress of that project of move.
Spring routine
Magnolia and daffodiles would follow this soon.
Matthew's Passion again
Felt disgusted
Is this a humanitarean news?
In a second, I recalled this news.
And I desparately got disgusted.
PS; This is not a propaganda against the US. I would point out Trump's attitude toward GAZA is cruelly wrong. What he is planning with Netanyafu is to eradicate Palestinians
from GAZA and to deform the place to a "resort" for profit. It is a horrible trial of genocide of the Paletinian people and their culture. It is destined to be fault and would cause further conflict there.
A pleasant phone call from an old friend of mine
Another candidate pathogen for pandemic
There are dozens of candidate pathogens for the next pandemic. This Oropuche virus reported in Science is one of them.
This virus is composed of three RNA segments, which could be recombinated in the infected cell and it could bring different pathogenicity of the virus. The recombination is thought to occur with another virus as well. It means this virus could be more contagious and/or more pathogenic. So far, it seems not fatal but could change its virulence any time in the future.
In this world of globalism, such a new infective virus could spread all over easily as well as quickly. A country could never be spared with spread of such a pandemic virus whatever quarantine it may carry out. We should deal with it in cooperation with the other countries all over the world. WHO has worked as such an organization. Without it, COVID19 could have been much worse and more devastating than real. WHO has been and will have been an important framework against pandemic.
In addition, deforestation is deemed as a factor causing such epidemic as this Oropuche virus as depicted in the article. Deforestation could result in global warming. Paris agreement is a treaty of world wide wisdome against global warming.
Withdrawal from either of them is a wrong choice for a leadership nation in the world. Egoism of such a country would cause further devastating disaster.
An unforgettable ham friend Jim K9JWV
He seemed to be a teacher at certain college. But I haven't asked much about such a thing or even his history. However, I sure have shared passion for radio with him.
An old memorable CD
This recording was taken a bit later than I listened that live performance. The hall was just not for music but for public use. It has dead acoustic not ideal for string music recording without suitable reverberation. But the dead environment rendered clearer articulation of each instrument than at richly acoustic halls. Simple sounds and, if I dare to say, idyllic. Ever since, this CD has been an important favorite for me. It always calms my mind down when it gets desolate.
Exercise may be the single most potent medical intervention ever known
It's long been believed that execise works well to maintain or promote good health. It seemed epidemiologically true. But little is known as for its basic mechanism. Recently, there have been a lot of research papers published as for the effects of exercise to health/diseases covering genomics, proteomics, tissue level and individual cases.
It is a program with the title MoTrPAC, the acronym of Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium. The web site of this program is here; You may see what a large aspects of research work it is covering and get its bibliography.
I haven't read through the bibliography yet, too vast area of topics. Here is an interview to one of the organizers, Euan Ashley, a chair professor in Stanford University, a cardiologist, by Eric Topol, a famous researcher in Scripps Lab organizing this site "Ground Truths".
Prof. Ashley and Topol make only general discusssion about how exercise works to improve health or prevent diseases. Still very inspiring and worth reading it through.
What made me impressed at this program is that they have investigated about the topic in basic genom/protein level. It has revealed all tissues undergo remarkable changes. Exposure to low dosis of stressor;exercise potentially induces a stimulatory effect; hormesis. In multipe tissues, heat shock response is caused by exercise. Heat shock protein is prominent part of the stress response to exercise. Among all the tissues/organs like heart, lung, immune system or small intestine, adrenal gland is one of the most changed organ. At cellular level, repair mechanism is the main response to exercise and does preventive benefit against diseases.
Higher intensity of exercise makes more benefit. One minute exercise gives us 5 minute extralife. One minute high intensity exercise 7 to 8 minute extralife.
If exerecise is of low intensity, continuing it makes beneficial effects.
These findings are not just historical legends among people but have been proved by epidemiology, genomics, biochemistry and physiology now. Why staying sedentary on chair all day? Start sessions of light exercise indoor and, if possible, moderate to strenuous one outdoor. It will keep you young and healthy.
It is what I am telling to myself!
Oblivion again
"Oblivion" is one of the most favorite pieces for me. I have written about it played by different ensemble/solist or just a topic in my memory as follows.
As written elsewhere, I have played this piece in a piano trio some 15 years ago. The piano trio members have gathered at the violinist's home once a month and have played this one as well as several other piano trios. Every moment was really like time of gem for me. Sunray coming through the window and most intimate time was flowing slowly. We had continued the trio for a few years until both violinist and pianist got married
At that time, I found this source in Youtube. The image/sound quality was not best. But these young musicians played it in most mesmerizing way. They seemed to be colleague at Juliard School. The violinist is outstanding. Technically perfect musicality and beautiful sound. I was chuckling at him in restless looking while the violin part was off the tune. He seemed originally from Phillipines. Recorded this piece in 2002, he has come back to his mother land and has been active as a violinist and, recently, as a conductor. The cellist, seemingly a Japanese, and the pianist both must have built up track records as musicians, respectively.
I have listened it as a reference that 15 years ago. The other players than the violinist must have accumulated achievements and have got certain position. Again, time has passed for everyone including me.
I have listned to various renditions for this piece. Among them, this trio named "Fournier Trio" sounds best to me. The cellist is really outstanding. This group still seems to go on their activity. The cellist seems to have got the seat of the principal cellist at an orchestra in Scottland.
Declining birthrate and regression of our society...while congratulating the forty niners
The 30th anniversary of Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
It has been 30 years since the earthquake titled above. Early in the morning, I still remember a TV news reporting the complete destruction of the town of Kobe over looking there from a helicopter. Even though we have not had much quaking here several hundred km away from there, I knew it was a real big disaster. There were several places in flames in the downtown of Kobe. Over 6000 people were killed.
Considering of Eastern Japan Great Earthquake in 2011 together with this earthquake, our country is most likelily getting into an increased seismic activity at present. Now another big one, even bigger than that 30 years ago, named Nankai Trough Earthquake, is predicted to occur. Probability of 80 % in the coming 30 years. Surprisingly high. It would hit south eastern part of our country along the Pacific Ocean. In the worst case, 320,000 people would be killed. Over 9 million people should evacuate from their homeland. The predicted economic damage is thought to sum up to 169.5 trillion JPY. It would be a real national crisis.
But our governments, local and central, and related administration offices are quite slow preparing for that.
The natural disaster prevention related budget was 8 trillion JPY at max in 1997. It has been reduced down to 2 or 3 trillion JPY for the past 2 years. Even after the Eastern Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear Power plant disaster. The budget is only one fourth of the military expenditure. City of Osaka is a place predicted to have a large damage for both casualty and housing damage. They are still planning to hold the expo, which has cost so much money and is expected to go into the big red. Of course the most serious issue is the big number of casualty. The amouont of the expenditure by the government for damage prevention means they are not caring for that.
The other problem is that 2 nuclear power plants, one in Shizuoka, the other in Shikoku, may suffer from the earthquake and possibly from the consequent tsunami. The nuclear power plant in Shikoku is in operation. If it is hit by a big earthquake, the damage is beyond our imagination. It is nonsense to run nuclear power plants in this high seismic activity era. The authority permitting their operations and the power line company sticking to the operation only due to financial reason are quite irresponsible for the possible accidents.
Other than Nankai Trough, there are a lot of faults, either known or unknown, all over in our country. A big earthquake is predicted to hit directly the city of Tokyo with the same probability as Nankai Trough in the coming 30 years. The fault having caused the Eastern Japan big earthquake was previously totally unknown. It is ridiculous they are running nuclear power plants whereever they might be.
I only hope any big one would not hit our country in the near future. Hopefully, research in earthquake prediciton will progress and tell us its occurrence in more accuracy. The greedy government and the power line company executives should be replaced soon. In the end, the people should awake of this reality of crisis.
Faure's last nocturne
An unforgettable ham friend Sam W6TSQ
When I came back on the air in 1980, I often saw this experienced ham, Sam W6TSQ near SF. He often stayed up late and came on the air around our early evening hours. Those days, he was using Collins S line. That combo should be old. In the beginning of every transmission, his signal was drifting a little bit and also sounded slightly chirpy. Together with his proficient keying with a bug key, it was not difficult for me to tell him from others anywhere.
It won't take us too long to become close friends. My memory about what we talked about has slipped away for now. But a couple of things are firmly in my memory. One is that, when he knew I had been a music lover, he told me his favorite had been pan flute music. He has kindly sent me an LP record of pan flute. I was very surprised to receive the parcel from him. I still owned a record player those days and remember listening that LP for many times. It was soothing beautiful music I had never listened to. I thought it reflected his personality. Whenever recalling of him, I remeber that music sounding in the small resident dormitory. Sadly, I gave up that LP system and several LP records including that pan flute LP when I moved here.
The other memory is more personal. I believe it was early '90s. Reflecting it at present, I know it was symptoms of male menopause. I felt a sense of uneasiness or low grade fever. When I complained of that to Sam, he told me it was a critical period everyone went through and advised me to get it through not being troubled so much. It was more than any encouragement to me then. Even though I have had that symptomes for a few more years, I was less concerned about it and have forgotten it. As he told me, it was only transient. Actually, I have consulted to a doctor and even to my wife regarding this issue. His words were the best treatment for me. He might not have any knowledge of male menopause but sure had a knowledge of wisdome he acquired through his life. He has given that advice as if it were nothing so serious.
I am not sure when it was but had an opportunity to visit him. In my visit to Bob W6CYX in 1992, he has brought me to Sam's home. It was located close to the Gulf of SF in a suburb of SF. Surrounded with a lot of cedar trees. You may see a wire hung on a tree. I was surprised he sounded that strong on 40m with such a simple antenna. Partly because it was close to the sea.
Two pathways in head copying reinforcing each other
In head copying of Morse code, two operations are done at the same time. Deciphering from dits/dots to character while understanding what they are meaning. The former process, phono-lexical process, seemingly proceeds a bit earlier. In actual psychological process, the latter, lexico-semantic process, however, goes on almost at the same time. Or they are going on at the same time reinforcing each other. The former process should go being reinforced by the information from the latter process.
For example, copying the message "It has been very dry here without rainfall for a few weeks", if we could not copy the word "without" due to noise/QRM etc, we could speculate it as "without" from the parts before and after it. Understanding goes on in that interaction. If we could copy " something out", it must be much easier to specuate it as "without". This interaction of two different cognitive processes are essential in head copying.
The following paper may coincide with, or at least, compare to this observation with head copy. You may know how important it is to have the skill of head copying if you would fully enjoy the communication by Morse code. And, even if conversational CW extincts even in ham radio, Morse code will survive as an subject to study human epistemology in psychological and/or brain science field. It is still the simplest communication mode.
An unforgettable ham friend Steve WA6IVN
Most of the content in this post is already written in other posts. I would summarize them here. As a token of friendship with him. I may go on describing my memories of unforgettable friends from now on. Before my memory gets too faint.
It was early '60s when I first met Steve WA6IVN on the air. He was a son of Ray WA6IVM, who used to work a lot of JA beginners in QRS on 40m and to be famous among them. Steve was a few years older than me and an avid contester and DX chaser. I have no memory of having any further conversation with him those days. In every contest, he boomed in here with a big signal. I remember him only in that way.
It was not too long until I came back on the air in early '80s that I met him again and became close friends. We have talked how we had spent '70s. I have just married and moved to the dorm of the hospital where I and my wife had started serving residency and I had the set up at the dorm. He seemed to have spent an unusual or rather aberrant way of life for his age. He got lymphoma in his teenage days. It seemed to belong to fairly benign entity and all he had to have for the treatment was local radiation when it flamed up. As I told him I had just started career as an MD, he seemed to be interested in me and was willing to tell me all what he experienced as a patient.
In my first visit on business to the US in 1984, renting a car, I have driven to Manteca a suburb of SF, to visit him and his family. He has welcomed me as a real old friend. Not very rich but seemingly typical middle class in the US. They had two sons. The elder, Mark, was there and had dinner with me. A traditional style of Christianity. The other son, Bob, should be living somewhere else. The day after, Steve and Karen, his wife, took me boating on a river there. Honestly, I didn't care for such an outdoor activity. But they seemed to show me how they were enjoying leisure time. As I already wrote on him, he seemed to rush through his life as if there had been little time left for him. Looking back his life at present, he sure had not much time in the rest of his life.
Ever since, we have had even more QSOs. Sometimes, I came back to the dorm and talked to him in our lunch break. Those days, the conditions were terrific on high bands that opened to the West Coast until early afternoon. Now I knew he was sitting at that shack and was holding that great paddle. I should look up the log and see what we have talked about. He also has sent me a lot of photos showing his family, himself and outing on the boat etc. They all looked familiar to me since I have been there once.
However, the peaceful days have not lasted long. He has soon developed more malignant genre of lymphoma. He had chemotherapy for that at Stanford University. In a few years, malignant lymphoma has complicated to it. At present, it could be effectively treated with immune check point blocker. At that time, no effective treatment for that most malignant disease of skin was available. He got a metastasis to brain, which gradually deprived him of various capabilities. His keying has become more and more clumsy as we went on QSOs. Such a perfect CW operator as him could become incredibly poor sender. It was a real pity. I guess that was what he had felt most himself.
In 1988, I had a chance to visit the West Coast with a friend of mine, Hide, JH0FBH. My wife was supposed to go with me but pregnancy has prevented her from travelling. We have visited a number of ham friends like Eric W6DU, Merle K6DC, Tom K6TS and maybe lastly Bob W6CYX. Bob has held a big dinner party for us. Steve and Karen have driven down from Manteca to Mt. Hamilton in San Jose spending possibly a couple of hours one way and have joined that party. I guess Steve believed it could be his last chance to see me in person. Without saying that, I felt him thinking that way and not sparing his long drive to see me. He has lost his beautiful blond hair and has become too skinny. I could never forget seeing him at Bob's home that night.
This photo was taken before Steve's camper at parking lot of Bob's home in the morning the day after when Steve and Karen were leaving there for home. From left to right; Karen, Hide, me, Steve and Bob. It was brightly fine. But our hearts were clouded with sadness. It was the last moment we saw each other.
After that trip, I have seen Steve very few times, I am afraid. In the end of the year, I guess, I heard of his passing through someone who knew each of us.
I am grateful to this hobby which I could share our lives together if it was only for not a long time.
Snowfall in a warm coastal area
Several days ago, I have driven to the Pacific coast of Ibaraki Pref, 50 or 60 km east of here. It is an area of warm weather even in winter. There are a low mountain range named Taga Sanchi running north to south close to the coast. On the way back home, I have driven through a mountain pass there, not too high, about 300 to 400m ASL.
I was surprised to find the mountain pass snowed as the photos below show. The other areas were not snowy at all. This area must have least snowfall throughout a year. The cold wave sure has brought this snow fall. In this winter, north western part of our country has suffered heavy snow fall of record height. Snow bearing cloud must has been flowing even there.
In the climate change, the weather tends to be emphasized to the extreme, whether cold or hot. Last summer was terribly hot while this wintry cold snap followed. We are getting through this hardship of weather. Looking around this beautiful snowed trees, I was already wondering when I should start planting spring vegetables like potatoes. It should be earlier than before. Hopefully, there would be less natural disaster including wild fire. The leaders in the world should be aware of the climate change going on and bringing disasters to the world.
Night Owlers again
I have had a visit by a local ham, JL1UCH, Nobu, this morning. He was to deliver a greeting from Dave VK4YD. I had the slightest memory of that call. Looking it up in the PC log, I knew it was formerly VK4CEU, whom I remembered so well. Nobu was so kind to come by to me. We have enjoyed chatting old things we shared having a cup of coffee. He is about 16 years younger than me and owns his business at home. I was glad he was aiming conversational CW with his modest set up, a barefoot and G5RV. I encouraged him to carry it on and convince him regular training in English would let him enjoy conversational CW very soon. Nowadays, only few are aiming at it, either in Japan or even abroad.
The post I mentioned about Dave and the Night Owlers in Melbourne area.
What a fond memory it is! When I came back on the air in 1980, I had only a barefoot and a vertical set on the roof of the dormitory. The path to DX including the States has not regularly opened especially in winter evening. I often adhered on 20m which sometimes opened to VK/ZL even late at night. It was a fun for me to find those who would ragchew with me and talk about old times of '60s. The Night Owlers were often still present there like in '60s.
If I remember it right, Dave used to operate radio with a bicycle generator, ordering his sibling to run the bicycle while he was enjoying radio. Or another guy? I have heard that story from someone in the Night Owlers. I was chuckling to hear that story.
Dave should be already 85 or 86 years of age. How nice it is he is still kicking himself on the radio! Sadly, most of that Night Owlers have gone SK. I still should come back with a barefoot with a vertical someday in the near future and would look for anyone who shares those great memories.
I thanked Nobu a lot and wished him good luck in the journey for conversational CW.
It is still a fact that I feel I have been put into a museum as a sample of old timer for now.
Soaring prices of foods and inflation
Reently, foods, especially vegetables are getting extremely expensive. The prices of winter leaf veggies like cabbage are doubled or even tripled at supermarkets here.
Soaring price is partly due to the unusual weather in fall. In the first half, it has been hot and dry like a drought throughout our country. It has turned a long and heavy rainfall in the latter half. Both extremity of weather were not beneficial for vegetable growth. The paucity of the harvest due to the aberrant weather should be one of the reasons for the high price. But it is only a part of the reasons.
The leading cause should be the inflation going on right now. The prices of foods have started rising in accordance with the inflation long before the aberrant weather. The cost for the agricultural materials occupy, as they say, approximately 30% of the total. Before the vegetables are handed to the consumers, there are other costs occurring such as the energy cost, the transportation and the interests of the middleman and the retailer. All of them are influenced by the inflation.
The problem is that our government has no effective means to settle down the inflation or rather would let it go on. With the tax revenue increasing due to increased consumption tax by inlation, the Ministry of Finance seems not to deal with the ongoing inflation. "Increase net income" is a kind of motto for some politicians and people, without any financial resources. If it is realized with new national bonds, it will worsen the inflation. A typical populism politics!
The most important means against inflation should be, of course, higher interest rate. With astronomical amount of national bonds issued in the past for quantitative easing, the government as well as the Bank of Japan could hardly rise the interest rate. Increase of the interest rate has caused drastic decline of the stock price last August, which has impacted the world wide stock market.
Most affected with this high prices of items, especially foods, are the elderly people living only on their pension. About half of them is receiving only the basic part of pension, that is, only 400 to 500USD a month. Expenses for utility and housing are also rising. It might be quite tough for them to live at present. Now people who have lived under non regular employment, that is, on low wage are ready to retire soon. They should go on living under suppressed social security.
Without tactics to settle down the inflation, it will persist for coming years, I am afraid. Per capita GDP has lowered the rank to the 22nd place in the world. One of 6 children is told to be in starvation. We don't have necessity or fisacal leeway for military expansion.
So perspective for the finance issue and inflation is not bright at all. We should still go on living by any means. I would grow some more vegetables this year. For ourselves and for those in poverty if possible.
Music and Entropy
When studying mechanical engineering at a college, I was interested in thermodynamics, or rather, the professor himself, who taught that subject and was a really theoretical and fascinating person. The concept of entropy in thermodynamics was quite intriguing to me. As entropy increases, the universe heads to quietly static state, it said, I believe. It sounded not only a matter of physics but also of philosophy of cosmology. Isn't it a world of death when entropy is maximized in the universe? I wish I were a bit more keen studying at that subject those days.
A researcher group in Univ. Penn. has applied the complex system theory to music. The amounts of nodes and edges may determine the entropy of the system, as they say. Apparently, this entropy expresses how variable a music is. The following article guides their research.
They have applied this network science to Bach's music. His music turned out to have large amount of inormations while small amout of inferred networks are deviated from the true networks. They conclude the network structures revealed with their method is to make rapid and efficient communication of informations. It is of use to elucidate musical complexities, creativity and questions therein in.
It seems their application of network theory into music may help analyzing musical complexities and creativity in subjective scientific manner. Even though moving our minds won't be replaced by this scientific study.
A memory of an old timer, John W5AB ex WA5OLG, through an obituary for him by David N1EA
In the end of last year, I knew an old friend of mine, John, W5AB, had gone SK in 2014. At age 97 years. It was of course expected from his age. Still felt an age has gone for me.
It was back in '60s when I knew him on the radio. I was a teenage newcomer. I have met him as WA5OLG those days on 40m CW. He told me he was using a phased array, which sounded unfamiliar to me. I asked about it in the QSO. In a week or two, he has sent me a detailed info on that antenna by mail. I was living in a small lot in a suburb of Tokyo then and, of course, could not put up such an array. But I was impressed at his kindness to me explaining his antenna.
I can't remember when it was correctly but most likelily, in mid '80s, I have run across with him as 9V1UY from Singapore. He seemed involved in gas mining business in Asia. Knowing he used to be WA5OLG, I was very pleased to see him and to share old fond memories with him. I can't remember what we talked about. The only thing I remember in QSOs with him is that he told me Cushcraft vertical fed at high voltage point could work well only when it was put up higher than ordinary a quarter wave vertical. He seemed still interested in various antennas.
There had been a hiatus for several years until I met him again from the states as W5AB. He was running with a small loop then. Sometimes it was harsh to chat like before. Whenever we met, we tried to talk a lot. I should look up those QSOs in the note book log where I always made memo, sometimes, over a page in a QSO. The intervals between QSOs have become longer as time passed. It was in 00s when I met him last time. As a habit of this old boy, I recalled old friends and have looked up about him. I have found the following post by another old friend of mine, David N1EA, to QRZ. com. They have known each other through CW and key collection. I could not help smiling at his post. The world is small. All of us have been united with the same hobby.
I am sad to have lost such a great old friend as John but still am pleased to have such a fond memory of friendship with him.