
On the way back home

When I commuted to the office in the city next to ours by car years ago, I always went through rice paddy areas. Very few traffic. Rice was almost all harvested by this time in a year. With the roof window fully opened, I often played a few classical music CDs. One of those was the piano trio in a minor by Ropartz shown with the score below.

I have already written about it in an old post. It was a post 12 years ago.


Several days ago, I went to my wife's office to help her sorting out things there. It was not an easy task. There were a lot of things to be discarded. Having worked there for 26 years, she might find it not be very easy to determine which should be disposed of and, if not disposed, where it should go to.

Worked hard there for a few hours, I dropped by a super market on the way back home to buy some food items for supper. Everything seemed the same as 11 years ago. There was the rice paddy area on the way home. Most rice paddies have already been harvested. An ancient tomb among paddies looked neatly cleaned by someone. This piano trio has rang in my mind at that time.


Ropartz piano trio 


It starts with dark arpeggio by piano. On its background, strings play a theme which sounds as if I were a bird looking down from the sky. It is sometimes interrupted by a motif which may express hesitation or pauses. Again, it is intriguing the music brings me back to those days. The breeze coming in through the roof window and the piled rice plants at some places in the paddies. 

It may take a few more weeks before she finishes all the work at her office. 


  1. Hi Dr Shin,

    Thanks for sharing this interesting and evocative piano trio. I had never heard of it. Here the beautiful white cotton is in bloom in the fields. Soon it will be harvested into large bales by machines.

    I hope your wife enjoys her retirement. It’s not easy sorting through things. Thankfully she has your help.

    Be well,
    Susan in Alabama, KD4VXO

  2. Susan,

    Even though the scenary is different from ours, it must be the season for harvest and the time of gratitude for good harvest over there.

    I have just remembered that I used to listen the 2nd string quintet by Brahms in commuting to the office. The theme first appearing with cello in the 1st movement would cheer you up, won't it? hi

    My wife comes home deadly tired every day. Maybe, I should go and help her for a few more days.

    Your comments are always appreciated, Susan.


  3. Hello Shin,

    Thank you for the listening suggestion. I will listen to the Brahms today. I hope you and your wife enjoy a happy weekend.

    My husband and I are getting ready to play along with various choirs at Christmas time. It’s very popular to invite a small string or orchestral ensemble to accompany the church choirs in singing carols. We feel grateful to spread cheer and hopefulness during the cold winter season.

    All the best,

    Susan KD4VXO
