
The 11th Anniversary of Mother

It was today 11 years ago when we received the sad news of our mother passing away. 

A week prior to her passing, we, the brother 3 years younger and the sister 4 years older than me, have visited her at the hospital. She has welcomed us with a brilliant smile. Her dementia has forced her to ask us about our families and our father, who already died several years before, again and again. She also wanted to return this place where she had spent years together with us and our father. It was the only moment when her countenance looked grave and worried. Later, brother has written to me that she was exceptionally pleased to have three of us visiting her at the same time. Leaving our hearts behind with her, I and my wife have departed back home while listening my sister singing a hymn for her at the room.

As reiterated in the past posts, she has spent the very last part of her life with progressing dementia and loneliness having lost her spouse, that is, our father. I am at the beginning of that age bracket. I wonder if there was anything I could do for her. And her being encourages me to spend the time like she did. 

Azalea along the entrance is in full bloom. Sitting on a stony low fence at the exit, facing to the street, she often spent sometime in the afternoon looking at people and cars as if she had waited for someone. It must be our father.

In this weekend, we will have our brother and his wife here. We might have a heavenly time with them having dinner together. A lot of pleasant memories. We still, however, miss her and father again.


  1. Family is so important Shin.

    1. Yes, it is. Leave your name or call sign in your comment.
