
How I am getting along lately

It's been some time since I last updated this blog. Pulling the weeds and mowing lawn keep me busy while, in the rainy days, playing cello has occupied me. There are still many things I should be involved with.

Weeds are so nasty that they grow too vigorously for me to do with it in a few days. It is literally a whack-a-mole game. Fortunately, the back pain which has occured with me after too diligent work in the garden is subsiding little by little. At the worst, it was hard for me to walk. Avoiding leaning forward in a sitting position and walking a bit, I am feeling better. It would be a bit of time left for me to enter a nursing home.

This place is a property my mother's ancestors have owned and my old aunt has managed a small sanatorium for tuberculosis patients in poverty. When I complain of how tough it is to maintain this place to my sister and brother, they say, while thanking me for that effort, I should go on working for the land for the ancestors in the past. Yes, I know what they mean. I would. My my health be kept for this hard work in the summer!

In the meantime, I am still going on cooking. At around 4PM, when I finish the work in the garden, I start cooking dinner with a glass of beer on one hand. It is a fun. A bit tiring but still an enjoyment. I try to cook 2 or 3 dishes at the same time in the shortest time I could. Planning the procedure of cooking and executing it are really a work for an intelligent person! Hopefully, this work will keep me away from senile dementia for a while.

This was pork with vegetables seasoned with miso. Pretty good. But, when I finished cooking it and found cabbage already cut behind me, imagine what disappointment I had. It should have been put in this dish. Since more veggies were added than the recipe said, it tasted pretty good, though. I find myself committing such errors from time to time. I should be more careful not to do that.


  1. I'm glad you are doing well Shin. We spend more time taking pictures than on the radio.

    1. Thank you, Bill. Always imagine both of you walking in the botanical garden or elsewhere when I look your photos in facebook. Stay safe. See you again soon.

  2. Weeding and watering is how I spend my days in Quarantine. We eat the squash and okra that I am growing. We are saving the beans for the winter.

    I don't do most of the cooking, I just make the cookies and the bagels.

    Stay well. Don't work too hard outside.

    1. It seems your farm is flourishing. It has been a bit cooler than usual and our okra is not growing much yet. Tomatoes and long beans are being harvested. You both, stay safe. Have good summer days.
