
Even though we are still in the midst of disaster of pandemic

The NY state government and the people in the state have accomplished reduction of the number of new inpatient. Even though it is only a milestone for complete conquer against the novel Corona virus, I would say congratulations to the people in NY. I believe, whatever political stance you may take, the governor Cuomo has been doing a great job.

I am also impressed at the speech made by PM Johnson who has just discharged the hospital. He has stressed his gratitude toward two nurses, both of them being immigrants. Johnson used to be for expulsion of immigrants. He also thanked to the staff of NHS. I know he and his party have cut the budget for health care. Something may be changing with him.


I am hopeful for the reformation of the society everywhere in the world while experiencing this disaster to humankind. If it comes true, this disaster could turn to be a blessing for us.

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