
Still dreaming the good old days

I know that the good old days have gone. But I still call CQ, after having finished pulling the weeds in the garden, on 40m around our sunset for a few times. As expected, no takers at all. RBN says the band is still open to NA and OC.

It convinces me there are much less on the air. The situation is the same whenever I may watch the band. Having a glass of beer, I still dream of the good old days when I could find someone who lost the chance to go for sleep or who woke up early in the morning. Now there is no one like that.

The band is exceptionally quiet. Very few noise. AK4Z and WA7HJV have chatted on 7027KHz in QRQ regularly around this time in a day a few weeks ago. They are not heard, either.

I still dream of the good old days gone far away.

It is the time for me to prepare dinner for now.

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