
A good PC logging info wanted

A couple of days ago, I heard WA6HJN on 40m. It was him, it lit in my mind. I gave him a call and went on QSO talking about his business trip to OKLA etc. Halfway in the QSO, he shouted again and again that it was Shell, Shell. No, he was not the person I thought I had been talking to. It was Jack WA7HJV in my mind. What a shame! I could mistake someone for another but have never gone on QSO for sometime without realizing my mistake. I apologized Shell for taking him for another person. He told me no problem and anybody made such a mistake etc. I must admit this could be a sign of aging for sure.

At night, I feel a bit less conscious than usual. It is not sleepiness but a rebound phenomenon to shallower sleep. We should accept and adapt this phenomenon by some means. We should activate our brain when awake. It might be necessary for us to have deeper and more sound sleep. But, after all, we should do with this aging procerss.

I would like to have a good PC logging to memorize the QSOs in the past. I don't need anything like award supports or contesting or linking to cluster etc. I need the QSO date and the remarks space. I always fill the remarks with what I talked in the QSO. The remarks space should be large in my case. Another point is that it should be maintained in the range of 10 years or so.

I have tried Win log 32, which turned out to be too complicated. Too many functions. Logger 32 was a simple logging soft. The only problem was that the remarks space was too short. Only several words could be put in there.

Any info regarding such soft ware will be appreciated.


  1. Shin,

    I have forwarded you a email about DXlabs suites which is FREE. Before I read this blog on what is your needs. DXlab suites has many suites most you would not want. But there logging module is excellent. It has a large field for comments as long as you want them. They do not carry over from the last QSO, but I cut and paste from prior QSOs. The author AA6YQ is always willing to add features and I might request he have comments carry over. I also use the comment field to remember last QSO. Also as you add new QSOs it will display all prior QSOs instantly. You can use just the logging suite and not load the others. Although there are some nice features within the suite of programs. They are independent of one another. Try it and if you dont like it just delete it. Just though you should know. I have tried almost all of the logging programs and this is my favorite for everyday logging. I had it up and running when you where here last month running my station. There are Youtube videos on DXlab suites. Watch some of them and check it out.

    161, Steve N6TT

    1. Steve,

      Many thanks for the info. As we already discussed, this DXlab logging soft sounds attractive to me. But, as I told you, I have started with Logger 32 for now. I would try this for some time. In the meantime, I surely will try DXlab also. Thanks again for the info.

      See you as usual very soon.


  2. Hi Shin and Steve,

    I need a log program too. I did use DX-Base up until a few years ago, but they went bust and were unable to update it to run on Vista or support the product in any way. Maybe a free program is better because it is supported by a whole mass of ham "geeks" who keep improving it.

    I am sometimes forgetting people's names. It can be embarrassing as Shin points out. I forgot Brian's name (9J2BO) even though we have worked several times in the past and he is a famous CW operator. The same thing happened with Jim (W6YA). I don't think I am heading for dementia - I have always remembered faces better than names. But of course in CW we often have never met face-to-face.

    See you on air soon.

  3. John,

    Forgetfulness is inevitale for us anyway! I find it difficult to recall names or some particular things. I won't struggle against this trait of aging. Just compromises with it. The logging soft could be one of them. But, in a sense, I am wondering if I should accept this trait as it is for the usual thing in our age. The others might not care if I ask them their names again and again. What shall I do?

    Hopefully, Steve or some other guys might give you appropriate info the soft ware.

    By the way, I was astonished at one thing last night. When I worked my good friend in CA, Bob W6CYX, he suddenly told he used to be a commercial R/O. In his student days at Stanford, he got the R/O license and worked as a R/O on tuna clipper etc! He was impressed, as he said, to read about SOWP in this blog. You may have something common with him even though it was '60s when he worked as a R/O.

    My wife came home right now. Gotta prepare the supper dishes. See you soon.


  4. Shin,

    Unfortunately it seems that the old R/O amateur groups are fading away. UK had ROARS (Radio Officer Amateur Radio Society) which is now more or less dormant with no activity on air. There are not many of us left.

    About logging - when I had DX Base I just used it for names and brief details of the QSO. I actually preferred to have an operating position free from a PC though. Maybe we should just try to make notes on paper with calls in alphabetical order, using a ledger book or similar. It is easier than trying to handle a PC as well as the radio... not exactly hi-tech but it works.

    1. John,

      I am sorry to hear that ROARS has been fading away, even though that society doesn't sound very familiar to me. Wasn't there RNARS for ex Royal Navy personel in UK? I used to have another elmer Harry G3ATH, ex 9V1MT, whom I have mentioned of to you in the past. It has been years since I heard him on the air as well.

      I was smiling to read you telling me about a paper memo. I have been using a copule of note books for that purpose for almost 30 years. But they got torn and dirty after having been used for that long time. I was preparing a card system, which turned out to be too messy. Too many cards. I need a sytem to administer it! It obviously takes me hundreds of years to store the QSO data into any logging soft. I won't bring the log book to heaven. And what will come next?


      PS; It is getting a little bit cooler here. In the shades, a cool breeze goes through. Isn't it nice for you to walk along the abandoned railroad with your son? It is the time for Brahms. I used to listen to Nr 4 Symphony of Brahms in this season every year. Nowadays, Nr 2 is much more suitable to my ears even in this season. Yes, it is that music I "forced" you to listen to for a while when you were here. The 1st theme celli sing in the 1st movement would bring you a breeze, won't it?
