
Miraculous potatoes

We have already had frost early in the morning for the past couple of weeks. Most vegetables except for onion, spinach or broccoli etc would wither by this time in a year. Potatoes are not exception for that. I have harvested all of the fall potatoes.

But there are a few plants of potatoes standing up and even blooming with green leaves at a corner of the garden farm. They are spontaneously growing there every year. 


They were descendants of potatoes discarded there years ago. With continuos cropping such as potato, there could be proliferation of bacilli harmful to it or deficit of certain nutrients, and eventually the growth of the vegetable won't be good there. It is famous as monocropping difficulty in farming. I am intrigued how this plant of potatoes have not only evaded it but also grown even better than the other ordinarily planted ones. A big puzzle! 

With seed plants, as organic farming texts say, seeds contain microbiome within them, which derive from the soil the seed cropped plants. That is a reason why certain plants could grow better at the place wheere seeds were cropped. I am wondering, even though potato's "fruit" is not really fruit but a portion of root, if the same kind of mechanism is working with this potatoes in our garden farm. How could they be free from monocropping disorders? 

I am only amazed at this potatoes. It is beyond my understanding, and possibly, beyond knowledge of science. I would keep them at that place and see what happens with them next year. 

Our garden farm is almost in hibernation. I still have works to build the farm beds for next season.   

PS;When I looked at the potatoes right now, all of them were withered. The chillness was more than they could put up with and/or it was the time for them to die, I don't know. However, they have definitely lived much longer in this cold weather than the other ordinary plants and it was programmed in nature.

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