
In protest against the resumption of the nuclear power plant operation

Prime Minister, Noda, has decided to resume running Ohi Nuclear Plant a couple of days ago. The cause of the serious accident at Fukushima has not been elucidated. No measure to prevent such an accident has been taken. No plan for a serious accident has been made yet. Nevertheless, they have let it go. It is a crime to human being and to the earth.

This resumption of the nuclear power plant operation must be quite profitable to some parties involved in the business. The stress test committee members were reported to be comprised of those for the business. They have given permission to go for the operation. The business group together with the government, the burocrats and the mass media are responsible for this event. None of them won't take any responsibility even if there should be a serious accident occurring at this plant in the future.

On the same day, as the organizer said, there had been eleven thousand people gathering around the PM's office to protest against his decision. This is a video clip showing it. Strangely enough, our mass media won't publish about this event at all. It encourages me a little bit, however, that the participants of this demonstration are mostly young people. The reporting girl was crying while taking this video. This is a real serious problem for those young people who will live for the days of possible hazards from serious accidents in the future.

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