

It has been some time since I renewd this blog. It has been like a storm for me. A lot of works, clearing the office for the new doctor and making paper works for closing my practice etc, have kept me terribly busy.

The peak was today when I had to work for the 1st day of the new clinic as a parttime. As you may know the medical system is a socialized one here in Japan, that is, it is governed by the bureaucrats, the system is becoming more and more complicated and is requiring our meaningless labor.

For example, when we prescribe with the academic name of medicine, but not commercial one, we could get very small amount of extra money, about 2 cents !! per a prescription. It is designed recently by the bureaucrats for us to prescribe more non original drugs, which are less expensive than original ones. If a pharmacist give non original drug to a patient with such aprescription of academic names, he or she are supposed to inform the fact to us, doctors. Then, we should change the description in the chart. What a complicated process! The bureaucrats must consider us as slaves. From their standfpoint, we should work in the way they want us to. It is more than nonsense.    

I know the bureaucrats would like to cut the national budget for social securities and medical services with such an administrative measure. It is, however, only one aspect of this administration. Some retired bureaucrats are believed to work at those pharmaceutical companies producing non original drugs. There are good evidences that the bureaucrats are trying to let those companies take more profits by some administrative means. I suspect this is one of those measures by them. The bureaucrats try to maximize their profits ruling the related undustries and services.

I would advise the new doctor not to take that extra income with this prescription procedure. I am afraid our country may be committing suicide with those selfish bureaucrats.

I am happy to be free from those bureaucracy so far. I don't need to do with their arbitrary administration any longer even though I still must undergo their influences indirectly.

Sorry for such a negative post after some interval! I wish to go and look for some signs of spring in the mountain area later this week. It was one of the aims for my retirement.

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