
Ebola in the past, at present and in the future.

According to C. Duncan and S. Scott, there have been a number of epidemics of viral hemorrhagic fever, including Ebola viral infection, in the past. In 5th century BC, at Athens. In 14th century, in whole Europe. And in London and Italy in the 17th century. Pest has often been attributed to those epidemics as the pathogen. But the above mentioned researchers found the findings they could trace from various records are not suggestive of pest but are rather compatible with that of viral hemorrhagic fever.

The Ebola virus has been hiding themselves in certain animal. In such a long interval, it starts epidemic among the civilized society. All the society is threatened by this virus at present.

There are a few urgent questions to be solved at present.

1 Elucidate how this virus spreads among people. By only direct contact to the body fluid of the patient? Or is airborne infection possible? This will determine what precaution is necessary to prevent from further spread.

2They say RNA polymerase inhibitor could be effective against the virus since it belongs to the genre of RNA virus. The effect should be confirmed with experimental and/or epidemiological study. Any other agent or drug of efficacy should be searched for.

3The epidemic could destroy the infrastructure of the medical system. The panic and the increased number of victims among medical staff could make it fall in dysfunction. Support, financial as well as man power wise, for the medical facilities is essentially important to avoid such dysfunction.

4Needless to say, we should give much more support and aid toward the West African countries most suffering from this disease.

5In Japan, no lab could do with the virus itself. Level 4 lab which could handle with the virus should be prepared somewhere. It is necessary for proper diagnosis and for management of this disease.

We should not be in panic at all. But we should be awake and careful about any further consequences of this epidemic. It is a divide whether we would be regarded as defeated by the pathogen or would make triumph over it by the historians in later age.

1 comment:

  1. Today, news says WHO admitted that the out breaks in some West African caountries like Nigeria had ceased. If it is right, what does make the outbreak shortlived so much? The virus is told to undergo frequent mutation. Is it related with that characteristics of the virus. We still need to observe carefully what will happen in the outbreaks in the other part of the world. This frequent mutation makes it difficult to produce constantly effective vaccine. But it could be, on the other hand, the reason why the epidemic won't last long. It is interesting.
