
A report from a city in Fukushima

The Disaster Countermeasures Office of Soma City has sent me a brochure titled the Interim Report. Soma city is a town facing to the Pacific Ocean about 35 miles north of the 1st Fukushima Nuclear Plants destroyed by the big earth quake and the tsunami 3 years ago. I have made a bit of donation to the city immediately after the disaster. They regularly report possibly to all the donators how they have recovered from the disaster at regular interval. This is the 4th report almost 3 years after the disaster.
It is a brochure of about 100 pages with a lot of photos edited with PC by themselves. I am always skeptical about such a brochure issued by any regional governmental office. Because it could have been a propaganda for the politicians there. This one was not such a case. It was emphasized that they had aimed at recovery of the communities in the city. Loss of the community means social death for the people. I am glad the city administrators are making them recovered in the same communiy even if they had to move from the original place to a new one.
Some photos also showed how the town had been getting over the disaster. A page is scanned here. The left side photos show various areas in the city immediately after the disater while the right side ones show them at present. I know they are still in the process to full recovery. But these photos still encourage us letting us know they are making steps forward.

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