
Faure String Quartet OP121

Bringing a cup of coffee into the shack, I have watched around the bands earlier this morning. Ten and 15m were dead except for some Asians. Twenty was pretty good for NA. I felt a bit relieved to hear that even though I won't be on the WW CW contest held this week end. There is still remnant of a contester in myself.

I would spend this week end for reading, listening to music and practising cello. On Monday, I have the rehearsal of the orchestra I am attending to now. The Roman Carnival Ouverture by Berlioz is an obstacle for me depending on the tempo while the 8th symphony by Dvorak and the 38th by Mozart are accessible to me. I need to hustle practicing mainly Berlioz.

I have been reading a book regarding the history of the joint-stock companies and the analysis of the problem in the modern capitalism. It shows the idea of endless economic growth is not possible, so that we need to shift the pradigm from perpetuating pursue for profit to stable as well as sustainable economy. It is really inspiring to me. Very interesting. I would go on studying on this issue.

Well, here is one of my favorite chamber musics. The very last work by Faure. String quartet in e minor OP121. Faure is told to have refused composing a music in this genre until the very last in his life. He seems to have thought he could never overcome the overwhelming quartets by Beethoven. The latter must be like high mountains towering before him. This latest work of him is composed of flows of beautiful melodies. It engenders the atmosphere of cord characteristic for his music. As the late string quartets by Beethoven,  this is free from ostentation or excess. In that respect, this quartet is along the stream of Beethoven's works and even overcame them, I believe.

I used to listen to this music when I was in the dorm at the med school prep course. It was a square shaped room with concrete bare wall all around. There were a couple of speakers set on the sides of the entrance door. I listened to various music with the room mate in the dorm. Both of us have just joined the orchestra. He was a oboist while I chose cello for my instrument. Listening to a variety of music, we chatted until late at night. Only laughter and talking voices in low intensity were sometimes heard. Otherwise quiet and dark. I felt that time would last eternally even though I knew it would pass soon. This music sure brings me back to those days and recall the atmosphere in the room so clearly.

In the latter half of his life, Faure has suffered from hearing abnormality. The higher range of audio was heard lower while the lower range sounded higher to him. What an agony it was to him! Actually, he has refused the proposal by his friends to play this piece. This music has born and developed in his mind. We could never be compared to such a genius as Faure. But this story might mean we could experience and even produce something even in our last chapter of life when we are gradually losing various mental as well as physical functions.


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