
WWCW 2014

I have looked around on 40 and 15m for a while last week end. It was the WW CW contest 2014 being held then. The band conditions were terrific especially on the higher bands. Fifteen m had been open to any DX except during midnight.

CN2AA seems to claim the world record score with more than 10K QSOs. It is hard to believe to make such a score. It seemed that, regardless of the set ups they were using, the contesters around the Atlantic ocean had had much more advantages over the other parts of the world. Of course, it is because of the high density of ham populations in the East Coast and Europe. On the other hand, the West Coast has a handicap since the number of japanese contesters have decreased in number for the past ten or twenty years, so far as I have observed. If you wish to win in such a world wide contest, you should move to somewhere along the coast of Atlantic ocean.

It was a fun for me to give some points to friends on 15m just before the contest was over. Japanese big guns have got some pile ups from the north America, while the latter has not necessarily had any pile ups from Asia. In JA, there were less club stations' activity, as in the other contests. Famout contesters were active. Some of them seemed to be operated by a few crew. It has been a year or two since I heard Aki JA5DQH, either in plain QSO or in contest.

It was the best condition ever for the past several years. Even with such a condition, there was only this activity. Considering together with the average age of the contesters, I would say this might be the last feast for the contesters in the history. As a used to be an avid contester in the past, I still hope such a major contest as WW CW would survive. However, the future of contests won't be so promising, I am afraid.

Another point I would add to this post is that there were literally no one left on the band after the contest had been over. There used to be some contesters who would talk about it after the enthusiasm was over. I was sorry to know that as well.

Sorry for negative and pessimistic view on the contest. But it was what I had felt in this contest. I am glad to have experienced this contest this year which might be remembered as a historical one ever in the future.


  1. I agree, the west coast stations are at a disadvantage in WW contests. The big east coast and world wide contest super stations dominate the bands, much more so now than 20 years ago. I might be more interested if the rules were changed to encourage more little pistols to participate. In a way I'm happy that I was too busy to participate this year. By participate I mean giving some points to friends and seeing how well my small station gets out. I will not be sad to see contesting as it exists today fade away.

    1. Bill,

      What you said is quite right. The world wide competetion may lose its meaning due to the imbalance of contesters population in the world. If they would have it survived, they should consider the imbalance of the contesters density.

      Since the average age of the contesters is getting higher year by year, the contest will return to the original form or the prototyape, that is, a chance to try out own set up and antenna for themselves, but not for competetion. It would be as it used to be. I don't think it is bad at all.

      At least, it would not be worth spending too much money/energy to compete in the contests any longer.


  2. Hello Shin, sorry I missed a contact with you during the CQWW. Conditions on 15 and 10 meters were fantastic here in western Pennsylvania. I did work JA5DQH on 15 meters at 01:26z on 11/29.

    I really enjoy your blog and pictures.

    73 de Bob W3BBO

    1. Bob,

      i have been on the side of callers. That may be why we haven't met each other. i am glad to hear you have had a pleasant time last week end there. See you for plain QSO again soon.

