
Father's anniversary, Hilary Hahn with an arm nerve issue, Bach

 It's beeb a couple of weeks since I last updated this blog. Weeds are growing cruelly fast for now with much rain fall. It is still keeping me busy.

It was my father's 20th anniversary of passing on July 9th. I was aware of that but didn't do anything to commemorate the day. I still often remember how he looked on the bed in a hospital on the very last day of meeting when I had to leave for work. So worried and helpless. I iterated it in the past. I should have stayed with him. i could not help feeling bitter echo of regret. No sense to regret any longer, I know. But that feeling often unexpectedly hurt my heart. Caring for the garden/farm by myself, I often recall of him. Couldn't it be a way of mourning for him working that way as he used to do? 

My sister seemed to have held a commemorative meeting for father with her husband and their children. She has summarized father's bio in a brochure and sent it to me. 

I often listen to Bach's unaccompanied sonata and partita for violin played by Hilary Hahn. I have already written about her performance in the past. The best one for this great music. Impeccable technique and warmth in expression. I don't know how that "warmth" comes from. I still feel soothed as well as consoled whenever I listen to her playing this piece. With its profound structure, I feel as if wittenessed the universe creation but it still comes into the depth of emotion and appeases my mind. Hilary used to write in her blog that she started practising violin with one of this piece every day. Seems she loves this music so much. Her devotion to it might bring that appeasing emotion to the listener.

Last month, she announced she should cancel the recital trip to South America due to pinched nerve problem. She said it was doubl pinched nerve. I don't know what problem she has had. Maybe, compressed peripheral nervous system, possibly, median nerve at multiple points. As a violinist, it should be a serious issue. I hope good rest will get rid of the problem very soon. She has dedicated to the world of music so much. I wish her to continue her activity very soon. 

She often plays one of those enormous pieces as an encore. 

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