
Tomatoes, hydrangea and marigold

A large number of tomatoes are harvested. Some of them are featured on a salad dish of also homegrown cabbage which is boiled. They are very fresh and sweet. Egg plants and bell peppers are also prolific this year. 

This hydrangea, fully blown now, has grown so big. It might have been planted for over 20 years for now. We are discussing to goldly cut it after the flowere are gone.

Marigold is told to suppress the nematode in the soil which parasites in the root of such as tomato etc. I have been keeping a lot of plants of marigold in garden/farm for years. They leave a lot of seeds in fall. This is a cluster of marigold spontaneously grown at a corner of the garden/farm. They keep flowering until the end of summer. Very lovely.

Watching and harvesting these plants/vegetables, we often talk about how long we could live and care for them here. It is not too long for sure. I have written long ago how I was born and spent my toddler days here. This place was a small tuberculosis sanatorium around WWII managed by my aunt. My parents have started their family at that facility. My very first memory in my life was some hymn sung by the people staying in that small facility. The song was coming to me on a breeze through the pine trees in the property. Before that, this place used to be a large  pine tree forest. Whether we worry or not, this place may return to such a quiet forest in the future. Until that time, I would go on caring for this property.     

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