
Crustal movements and big earthquake/tsunami in our country

An interesting video movie by Geographical Survey Institute. It depicts the crustal movement in Japan continuously around the big earthquake in Eastern Japan in 2011.


The modern platetectonics tells two oceanic plates, Phillippine Sea and Pacific, are sliding below into the two continental plates, Eurasian and North American, and that movements are causing distorsion on and around our country. The distorsion could be freed as big earthquakes occuring here at regular interval. 

It is only a retrospective instropection but the crustal movements were predictive for the earthquake. Historically, it was known that there had been big earthquakes/tsunami in the Eastern Japan repeated in the interval of a few hundred years. 

The earthquake researchers had warned another big earthquake/tsunami. The power line companies with nuclear power plants were reluctant to accept the warning mainly from the economical burden. Only Japan Atomic Power Company took the warning seriously and, apart from the bureaucratic attitude of lining up in a line among the other power line companies, dealt with the weakness in cooling system of their nuclear power plant, Tokai Daini NPP, which later turnd out to be free from serious accident by the big earthquake in Eastern Japan.

It is amazing that the same power line companies and the administrative offices regulating them are hurrying up to rerun the other nuclear power plants all over our countries. They are far from taking out the debris from the crippled nuclear reactors in Fukushima. It has taken over 20 trillion JPY so far to proceed the decommissioning process of the reactors so far.

Twenty percent of big earthquakes in the world occurs in this small country. They won't care for that chasing only profit from nuclear power generation. People are cheated that nuclear power generation is cheap and is necessary for this country without any fossile fuel. Those propaganda are erroneous and are only to cheat them. 


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    1. What a pleasant comment, Wolfgang! I can't remember what post could deserve such words of praise. Unfortunately, the pandemic has not been finished yet so far as in Japan. But regular vaccination could lessen the chance of infection and of increased severity. It is also important to lower the risk of long COVID as you may know. Hopefully, it may become only a seasonal cold very soon. Take care and enjoy your stay in DU land. If you operate CW, there is a proficient CW operator DU2US. You may have fun talking to him on CW. Thanks again for such a nice comment. You have made my day!
