
Farm and garden growing

Finally, we are in the rainy season. Fine raindroplets are falling endlessly throughout a day. On the fine days, however, I am kept busy cutting weeds and piling them on the farm bed for grass mulch as well as compost, and caring for the growing vegetables. The following photos were taken several days ago. Something like tomatoes or cabbages are being harvested for now. Broccholi is already over.

One of the tomatoe plants. Fruits are already ripened now. Very sweet. 

Egg plants are also ripened for now. The fruits cooked with vinegar, sake, sugar and ginger/garlic pastes. It is a very simple and tasty dish. My favorite and special dish.

Plants of pumpkin are growing as well. A few fruits are already growing. They may be cropped by August. I am trying to seed it at present. It may hopefully get matured late in fall.

The red rose flowers are prolific. Of course, it is not a vegetable. This outlook comforts us whenever we go beside the plant.

A big tree of Satsuki, which our parents used to plant almost 30 years or so ago. The gardener has cut it in this beautiful shape.

Too many photos...I would go faster. Beef with broccholi. The latter was a big fruit grown in the farm.  

 Fresh salad featured with pieces of cheese. Tomato was not matured yet at this time. It was a fruit sold at a super market. Lettuce is a harvest in our farm. It has been productive this year. Now I am going to take the seeds from them.

Sorry for this lengthey post in a kind of mannerism. I just would like to tell you I have been enjoying working in the garden/farm. Maybe, I have already told this but it could be very peaceful and comfortable when I work there withoug any worries or anxieties. I feel I am in the nature and a part of it myself. I would return to the mother nature in some years. What a blessing if I could go there in peace! Selflessness in devotion to working in the nature may lead me to the day upcoming. 

PS;Oops, the last two photos were already posted in the article on Jun 2nd! Is it a sign of aging? Maybe, there are some readers chuckling at me. 

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