
Still getting along well

Again, it's been a pretty long interval since last post in this blog. We are doing just fine. My wife is busy at the activities of local community, which is told to be voluntary but, in reality, is compulsory from the order of the local government. Anyway, she seems pretty happy to do with the neighbors. I am still kept busy at the farm/garden. I have been planting various summer vegetables. Spring broccoli, lettuce, green pea, fava beans and potatoes have been harvested. As an unexperienced farmer, I knew how short potatoes could be preserved in ordinary condition. I was a bit shocked. In summer, it would get too hot to prevent budding of potatoes! It turned out to be a useless and desparate trial to keep them for half a year or longer. I am serious to prepare for food shortage which could be brought with the poor policy of agriculture by the government. Maybe I should grow rice or wheat for such preserved food in our country. You know the food self sufficienty rate is only 38% in our country, which drops to around 10% considering of dependency of fertilizer or of the other sources for farming on imports from the other countries. I have already written about it in a previous post.

Another reason why I am apart from renewing this blog may be that I am less concerned about relationship with others, that is, am not caring for any approval or supports by others. The internet SNS is a handy tool to get in touch with others and to inform them how I am getting along, most probably expecting any praise by others, or if not so much, any concern toward me. Year by year, I am feeling that way. Maybe, it is a sign of senility. They say losing sociability is an early sign of congnitive disorders or, at least, a risk factor for those illnesses. So I would adhere to blogging a bit more hoping it would prevent or delay the arrival of real elderly. 

Sometimes, I am still cooking dinner. This is a dish of beef with newly harvested broccoli. The broccoli was 8 inches in diameter. Without any fertilizer but with only compost, it has grown that size without much damage by bugs. This was seasoned with oyster sauce. 

Another cook is a simple fresh salad. The lettuce and green pea were the products in my farm. Tomatoes are getting ready soon. I expect hundreds of them will be served for salad etc very soon.

So that is how I am getting along. Still reading a lot of books regarding mostly politics, economy and music. Listening to good music such as Art of Fugue as I recently mentioned of or chamber music of Brahms and so forth. It is a time of treasure for me to listen to them before going to sleep.   

This blog should be named "An old man's monologue" for now. I still appreciate anyone who visits here. I would continue it until it becomes an old man's solo diary and I am told to stop it.


  1. Hello my friend. Wayne, NB6M here. I've been thinking about you for a while and finally decided to visit your BLOG. It is always a pleasure to read your posts. In going back through my digital logs, it seems as though our last QSO was on October 16 of 2018?? Surely it cannot have been that long.

    You are the one CW op I have intermittently contacted over the longest amount of years. I believe our first contact was in the early 1980s, but I could be wrong on that. If you have your logs digitized going back that far I would appreciate you having a look. Mine were not digitized until much later than that.

    I have listened to some of the musical pieces you recommend and always enjoy them. As you may remember, my father played the cello and I have, of course, fond memories of hearing him play.

    I want you to know that I have truly enjoyed our CW conversations and look forward very much to many more. You are a superb CW op and it is a pleasure to hear and appreciate your excellent fist.

    I sincerely hope that you have not given up getting on the air.

    Until our next contact, VY 73 my friend. Truly hope to hear you again soon.

    Wayne NB6M

    1. Hello Wayne,

      Thanks a lot for a great comment. My PC log is not complete but covers maybe from around 2012 until Aug 2022. It says we have had 6 QSOs during that period. Yes, a lot more since possibly 1980s. The record of our QSOs say you loved ragchewing as I did. So far, I am not so much motivated to come back on the air. But sometimes, I may do so before I could not operate radio. I always welcome you here in my blog and please leave some words as for how you are getting along. Also on your fond memory of your father. Is he still alive? You comment has encouraged me to keep this blog whatever mannerism they may say it is! Take care and keep up your activity.

