
Recent harvest and dishes Smoldering outbreak

The garden farm is getting flourished with various vegetables. Freshly harvested string beans and tomatoes were the materials for the salad. Being covered with the other materials, tomatoes are not visible in this photo. Well ripened tomatoes are the leading part in the garden farm and will be provided for salad until the end of summer.     


One of the most popular dishes at our home, hamburg, was the main one. Boiled potatoe was garnished. Carrot glace, planned first, was abandoned due to shortage of cooking time. The sauce is another common recipe with wine, tomato ketchup, sauce and butter.

With the effective reproduce number over 1.0 for the past almost 1 month, the outbreak of COVID19 is still smoldering especially in Tokyo. Reopening economy may aggravate the outbreak. The economy is drastically dropping with the social distancing and substantial lock down they have had in April through May. The balance between these two goals, settling down the out break and activating economy, is conflicting each other. In either case, information disclosure is essential to achieve those goals. But our government seems reluctant to do that. The epidemiological data in our country is not mostly reliable. The advisory board has tried to publish a problem that the authority has interfered with what they would announce. The authority hated to let people know of what was going on. When the advisory board held the press conference to announce it, the minister responsible for the infection control announced they would disband the advisory board and invite professionals for a new committee. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or a plot by the authority. At least, the government seems to try to control the scientific findings by their power, which is quite impossible and ridiculous. Science should lead the situation but should never be controlled by the politics.

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