
Light and shadow

Honestly, I thought the US had fought the largest number of wars in the world in the name of collective self defense after WWII, whatever the reason might be. The history of the US has always been tinged with light and shadow. It must have not been avoidable since the US has been a big military power and has had to play the role of the leader of capitalistic countries. I still feel bitter to see what the US military has done all over the world, especially, in the developing countries in the past.

The following news of General Milley has, however, told me there was still conscience in the military. He has clearly told as the top of the US military they should obey only to the rule of democracy and the spirit of the constitution for the people. So far as such a person takes the position of the chief of staff in the US military, it would stay intact.


I am impressed at his statement.

On the other hand, our bureaucrats won't care for any misconducts or corruptions by the government and even obey them striving to be first even if it is criminal or even against the constitution. 

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