
The 8th annniversary of the big earthquake and the nuclear power plant accident

It is the 8th anniversary of the big earthquake in Tohoku area and the subsequent nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima.

There are still more than 50K people evacuated from their home, of which 80% is from the nuclear power plant accident area. The disaster related deaths are not increasing in the other areas than Fukushima, where some people are steadily dying to the causes related with this disaster. The disaster related deaths are over 2000 in Fukushima. Quite some portion of those sufferers of the disaster in Fukushima won't be able to return to home during their lives. Literally, they are socially killed by this accident.

The nuclear power plant is far from the ultimate recovery from the accident. They could not reach and handle the melted down nuclear debris yet. There are much polluted water permeated into the ocean while the amount of the disseminated radioactive substances has been doubled last year compared with that 2 years ago. The accident could never be under control on the contrary to the words our PM spoke to attract the Olympic games to Tokyo. It may take decades to accomplish it.

It was estimated about 20 trillion Yen, that is, apx. 180 billion USD to recover from the nuclear power plant accident in the beginning. The most recent prediction rises up to 4 times of that. It will be a burden to the next generation, who would have much less reserve production capacity due to the decreased/aging population.

Buildings, seawalls and roads were reconstructed to certain degree. But there are people who have been left from the rescue and help by the government. The government should have not decided to hold the Olympic games next year and should have spent its budget fot those people who still need help. The budget for the Olympic games is mostly spent for the contractors, the advertizing agencies or the broadcasting companies. The policiticians are grabbing some bribery from them.

It is the day for us to recall all those people in our country. We should keep remembering of them and doing anything helpful to them. 

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