
Tokyo Ham Fair 2016

I have been to this event yesterday. Being prone to be housebody myself, I seldom go out for such an event. But this is a special opportunity for me to see friends, old or new. We were going to have lunch together. Bob MD0CCE has told me to see us there as well.

Bob, a retiree being settled down in the Isle of Man, seemed to have attended a couple of DXers meeting this time. He used to work in Tokyo in '90s and has friends from those days, whom he would see after this event. Having had tutoring by his father, he started ham radio in NY back in 1961.  He had been active on the radio until '70s when the work and family affairs prevented him from enjoying it. Having retired and being settled down in the Isle of Man, he came back on the air in 2004, if I remember it right. Ever since, he has been one of the most active guys in the area. He has become an FOC member several years ago. He loves both contesting/DXing and ragchewing, the typical old timer style operator.

I also enjoyed seeing JA friends. Objectively, we might have got older by one year now. But their passion in ham radio and vivid interests in socioeconomical issues have made them look very young. JE1TRV has got ready for the mountain shack. He would run an amplifier there soon. JA1AGG is goint to stay in Detroit on business for sometime and may get on the air from there. JA7WTH is successful with his 40m long loop and is getting on 20m. Couldn't talk too much about his work. He is another pediatrician. JJ1RZG told he hadn't walked so much lately and got trouble with walking. Still working only in the morning hours as a pediatrician. JA1COR operates with his invented antenna named MU special. JL1GEL could operate only in week end and go on the right way for CW ragchewer. JE1RZR, staying home for summer vacation for 3 weeks, will go back to Uzbekistan in a few days. He told he won't operate so much getting bored with contest style QSO but spent just listening the bands there. JA1KIH, the last but not the least, won't repeat calling CQ for more than 2 or 3 times. He seems to enjoy the life in the countryside. He gets gift of vegetables from neighbor farmers. We have shared the problem of national fiscal discipline. This lunch meeting has been successful thanks to his organization.

We have spent almost 3 hours and a half together taking lunch and tea. How come we could go on talking that long? After I parted them, I went to look around the booths. I have seen some old faces and Masumi JA3AVO whom I have known on the air as well as on line for years but never met in person before. He has had his granddaughter W7AYA there.

It was a hot and active Sunday afternoon. We might meet again next summer.

From left to right, JA1AGG, JA7WTH, JJ1RZG, MD0CCE, JA1COR, JL1GEL, JE1RZR and me. I should diet like Atsu!! Where are JE1TRV and JA1KIH? Taking photo?

Minimal FOC gathering in Tokyo. From left to right, JE1TRV, MD0CCE and me. I have felt I became an old timer. I became a member in 1988. The other two after 2000!!


  1. Good photos Shin and it seems you had an interesting day. I have not worked Manabu in Uzbekistan yet, probably he is tired of the pileups. He and Atsu showed me around Akiharaba several years ago. It was full of old boat anchors.This year in July it was much different with fewer shops.
    I should have joined you all at Tokyo Ham Fair. Cheers.

    1. Manabu is not active on the air. As you think, he seems fed up with pile ups. It is the only opportunity, as he said, for him to get on radio for the sked with G3KMG. 09Z every Sunday, I believe. You may hear him there. I forgot the freq. Akihabara has undergone drastic changes in fact. It was quite different from the same town where, grabbing a small amount of money, I went regularly to in my teenage days. You will be most welcome to the CW lunch next year.
