
Two indices notebooks

I have a couple of notebook, tired and almost worn out, in a book shelf. Before I started using PC logging, I had sorted out after call signs with QSO data / their handle and had recorded them in either index notebooks. One for one or two letter suffices, the other for three letter suffices.

I had pretty good memory when I was young and it was not any sweat for me to recall someone whom I met before without those gadget. However, getting older and memory not reliable all after having made hundred thousands QSOs with the states, I decided to make those index notebooks. It was around '80s.

I was not very punctual keeping the records in them. But I guess I have recorded most of them from '80s through '00. They were taken over to the PC logging in '10s. PC logs are much more handy to record the content of each QSO. There was a space to remark about them in it. It helped me lot to recall of them. 

I could have digitalized the QSOs before PC logging was started. It was, however, too much work to do that. I have given it up. I feel fondness to those old fashioned notebooks. At present, whenever I see any call signs/names which look familiar to me, I look up for them in these notebooks. Unfortunately, it is quite rare for me to find their call signs for now. "My days have already gone", I am convinced. 

Turning the pages of those notebooks, I always find a lot of old familiar call signs. I could remember some of pleasant chats with them. It might only mean I was young enough to remember them. But it also means we used to have enjoyable chats those days.

It may be not my business but I sometimes wonder what those enjoying digital modes or contest style QSO would feel for his hobby in the past time when they are in the end chapter of their lives. I would keep these old notebooks until the end of my life.


  1. I kept my dad's QSO cards after he died. So glad I have them! K5CA
