
A small resolution

Getting older, I have been aware of losing knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in English or even in Japanese. It's just an aging process, I know. I wanted to resist that process by some means, even if it is destined to be defeated. Trying to read in English even oftener than before. But it is not so effective so far. 

The other day, I happened to listen to a radio program of Korean language lesson. It offered a training to repeat some sentences in Korean on a rap music. On the rap's rhythm, it sounded lively and attractive to me. Is it a popular method for language learning? Pronounciation as well as intonation sounded clearer with that rap dependent method. Articulated practise may help to master foreign language. Music or other experiences involved with our emotion, I know, could leave long term memory. Korean is an attractive language for me since I have a few Korean friends like Lee HL1DC. But I am a bit too old to start with a new language from scratch. 

Song and foreign language...it won't take me too long before "German for Matthew's Passion" has lit in my mind. I have learned most of the lyrics in German. It starts with the idea that the song of Solomon was realized in the life of Jesus. Toward the death of Jesus on Golgotha, the story will be intensified. With the words "Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachtani?" that is "Mein Gott, mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?", Jesus died. It is the climax of this Passion. Then, recitatives and aria/choral calming down us ensues. It is worth learning again in German. 

I have a novel in German I would like to read in original language some day. It is "Unruhige Nacht" by Albrecht Goes. I might have written about this poignant and impressive story before. I still have a copy of this novel. Maybe, learning German again, I might challenge it someday. 

Even though it is often quite questionable if such a resolution may last long enough with me, I decided to learn German again with the text of St. Matthew's Passion. Making a note like I used to do in school days. I brought out this old German Japanese dictionary, which I learned with in my school days, from the college to the medical university. The cover is almost torn out. The biggest issue is that the fonts are too small to read with my old eyes. I have ordered a new dictionary. Everything is ready. Never ending study. I am excited to start it. No goal to be achieved but the process of learning itself is the goal. 



  1. A worthwhile target and I hope you are successful. Wishing you all the best. Andrew VK1DA/VK2DA

    1. Hi Andy, I know it requires me an endless endeavour and possibly, as written in the post, a project destined to be a failure! But I will try. I hope you have been doing well there.
