
The antenna be down this fall

It was in 2006 when I renewed this antenna. I still remember assembling the parts before going for work in very chilly morning. I had used the same model since 1988, which I liked so much and wanted to have the same model. It is a kind of tribander for 40 through 15m, 3 element for 40m and 4 element for the other bands. Both of them have worked a marvellous job for me. Especially, on 40m, with this antenna, it was a big fun for me to work the long path in morning and evening in fall/winter months. What a joy it was for me to talk to friends all over the world with it! It was a real dream antenna for me. 

I have decided to take it down this fall after having wondered if I should maintain it or not for the past couple of years. I still have a wish to come back on the radio. But that wish is becoming smaller as time goes by. There are less friends on the air, whom I would talk to. It seems the digital modes which I am least interested in are becoming the main modes on the radio. Preparing for the case I may die all of sudden, I think it is a good choice to have it down very soon. 

Some may say I should do it without announcing it in this blog. But this announcement would make it a decision. 

I am not sad at all. Thanks to this fine antenna, I have enjoyed ham radio all my life. The first one for 18 years and the second one for another 18 years! Only grateful to this antenna.



  1. I remember how strong you were on 7 MHz when we worked between N1EA/MM and yourself JA1NUT. I am excited I hear your beautiful Morse here the time you were flying a kite! https://youtube.com/watch?v=R32LjBL4Q9Y 73 de N1EA

    1. Yes, I have enjoyed viewing that video by VK3YE. Only unclear memory of that QSO. As I was asking him "Still running QRP?" I might have had QSOs with him running QRP before this one. Five watts into a kite vertical of half wave! I might be greatly impressed at it then. Nine years have passed since then.
      Sadly, both of us can't meet on this our loving mode yet again. But someday somehow, let's try it again. Thanks again for letting me know of the QSO video.

  2. Sad to see Shin. We all miss that booming signal on 7026. Best of health -- youngster ( from a 48er)
    Cap W0CCA

    1. Thanks, Cap. I do miss you, too. Whenever the apricot trees in the garden are blooming here, I recall of you and your orchard, even if I have never seen them by myself. Let's stay young, a bit older man!

  3. We are still around Shin, it would be a joy to QSO again. Perhaps we could form a 49’er CW round table group? Cheers, John K1JD

    1. John, I sure would. There are things which I should/would do, though. Let's keep in touch by the other means than radio.

  4. (PS, have a solo alto sax recital scheduled for October 20th. My teacher Hijiri is quite the task master )

    1. You are going to make debut so soon! Good luck and have much fun.
