
One of the best seasons in a year

Green pea is in good harvest this year. It is hard to catch up them grown on a few plants. I have cooked them with simmered eggs. I am chuckling at myself looking for a new recipe for vegetables in good harvest. Very easy cooking and tasty as well.

German iris, rose or peonies is in full bloom right now. 

As I often say, the growing weeds are keeping me so busy. I could concnetrate on pulling or cutting them for an hour or two at one time without much backache now. With bright sunshine, cool breeze is blowing gently through my face while I am doing the routine work in the garden. It is a joy. It is rather dry all day. I believe it is one of the best seasons in a year. Seventy four years ago, I was born at the very same place as we are right now. In such a hardship and poverty after the WWII, my parents have given me a birth and have raised me. Now it is the time for me to remeber of them again. At my age, I could fully understand what they thought of me in my young days. No more gratitude to them for their efforts and love toward me.

I will turn to be 74 years in a week.


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