
Consequence of the tariff war

How come the US president has started the tariff war? I am afraid it will have the economy of the US plummeted sooner or later. This tariff war is totally against the spirit of GATT and, later, of WTO. If they have any problem in the trade, they could sue it to WTO. As I told before, this tariff war could lead to another Great Recession.

All I could guess is that Trump has started it in the vibes of "You are fired!".  It is causing too much turmoil and even victims. The US could lose the key currency status for USD in the world market, which has enabled to attract investments from all over the world.

Don't they have any specialists of economy and/or international trade who could give the administration proper advice? 

It seems to, at least, for Musk of Tesla to be defeated in this war. The consumers are the next victim of this war.



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