This interesting article shows how the upstick temperature changes the diversity and the cropland suitable for particular vegetables. Even 2 degrees C increase would cause drastic changes. The temperate areas may increase crop harvest. But the total harvest may drastically drop with that climate changein the world. The developing countries, mostly located in the tropics, may undergo food shortage and could become politically unstable. There could be more refugees to the developing countries due to food shortage as well as commotion and conflict.
This study tells us to make efforts to rewind the climate change. If it is inevitable, we should prepare for the food shortage. Maybe, both actions are required for now.
Last fall, the hot wave has lasted long here. Vegetables, mainly leaf ones, have not grown as usual. At grodery stores the prices of leaf vegetables were even 3 times higher than usual year. Other kinds of vegetables were also more or less expensive compared with them before.
Even at my tiny farm, due to hot spell with drought, leaf vegetables were almost no crop this winter. I have learned how plants were vulnerable to a climate change. This change may not be temporary but go on long time. It should lead to food deficit. Those in big cities who are not involved with farming may not feel this sense of crisis coming in the near future. They falsely believe they could get vegetables or crops with money any time.
I have replanted green onions, divided from grown ones, in a corner of the farm. Only with a shovel, I could do with vegetables in this size. It's good enough for us to have this coming summer. Dozens of potatoes have been planted as well. Imagining whom I would give them to when harvested enough, I planted carefully one potato to another on the soil mixed with home brew compost. Trying to grow seedlings like broccoli indoor, I find again a green house and warming system necessary. I should purchase those seedlings of summer vegetables next month. The only success to grow seedling is of sweet potato. It has started rooting in water. I may plant it in soil in a few weeks. It may given a lot o stalks which would be buried in soil. Anyway, it will be a busy season for a farmer for the coming few months.
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