
A new modality for pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult ones to be treated. It is always symptomless until it advances to the late stage. The organ is located deep in the body and is surrounded with large vessels etc, which makes surgical approach even more difficult. 

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound is developed for an adjunct therapy to the other modalities of treatment. It is safe and not causing much side effects. If the tumor could be shrunk together with chemo, it could be removed with surgery. 

It still has weakness that it could be applicable mainly to the head/neck portion of pancreas while inaccplicable to the tail of pancreas. Of course, cases with metastases won't be treated with this modality. 

It is still a hopeful treatment for the future since it could be carried out safely and repeatedly. Being improved, the device may work better for deeper lesion with much more effectiveness soon. Hopefully, it would improve the prognosis of this tough cancer. 


An accidentally cooked radish

 The other day, several days ago, I was going to cook Oden, a japanese traditional dish for ordinary people in winter. There are various materials put into the pot. One of them is always radish. It could hardly be soaked in flavor if it is put at the same time as the ther materials. That is why it is necessary to preprocess with boiling until it gets softened.

I was doing that that day. I don't know why but have forgotten setting the timer. I was leaving kitchen for a while. When I came back to the gas range, the water has all evaporated. Pieces of the poor radish were almost starting to get dried and burnt. 

I thought it should not be used in Oden but should be seasoned with something and be tried as a dish. The radish was a homegrown one and a vegetable I was proud of. Before cooking it further, I timidly tried it without any seasoning. Um, sweet and delicious! Not so directly sweet as sugar itself but deeply as well as gently sweet.  I have never expected of that good taste. I learned, having grown in the cold climate, the radish had accumulated sugar to deal with that cold weather as the other winter vegetables like spinach had. Sugar must have been condensed while being cooked for a long time. I was a kind moved at that probable cause of this good taste. It is a kind of heavenly gift to us.

Another radish was put in the pot of Oden while we enjoyed that accidentally cooked sweet radish without any seasoning. 

This was not intended at all. I told to myself not to forget setting the timer of gas range when I leave there. Or it could have been a disaster.


Time for farming

Canola plants and related ones are blooming and bearing seeds this season. It often rains a long time. It is called canola plant rainy season. It was typically such a day today. It has been quietly raining. In some interval without rain, I have planted taros at a place near a persimmon tree, where the soil may remain wet all year around suitable for taro growth.

Cold and warm weather alternate in certain span, probably 3 or 4 days, in this season in a year. Cycles of cold and warm weather may lead to real spring very soon. It is the time for farmers to get ready for seeding spring/summer vegetables. I would do farming in the natural farming style, that is, no fertilizer, no pesticide and no cultivating. Compost made from weeds in the area may suffice to grow vegetables. It is amazing no cultivating may facilitate nitrogen fixation by the locally habitant bacilli in the soil. But the important prrequisite for the natural farming is the presence of rich soil produced with natural compost of weeds for years. I may use organic fertilizer as little as possible.

My wife used to ask farmer patients what they do with the vegetables or the crops when she worked at her own practice. It always helped her to understand how they were living. Farming is a work doing with living things, needless to say. Unreality, impractical things or even lies could never be present in farming. It's like raising kids. It may be the reason why I am indulged in it. May my health enable me go on enjoying it for some more years. 

Magnolia is fully out right now. As reiterated in the past, my mother used to love it most. Having big smile on her face, she often came to tell me it had fully come out.



"The Exit from quantitative easing" is started

Yesterday, the negative interest rate was cancelled by BOJ. Mass media seemed to get carried away with that news announcing we were at the exit of enormous quantitative easing. But the new interest rate is up to only 0.1%. BOJ could never increase it more since, owning over 500 trillion JPY of the national bond and over 50 trillion JPY of ETF, it could have the financial condition worsened with higher interest rate. The president of BOJ, at the press conference regarding this "exit" policy, has mentioned of the inheritance of financial burden from the quantitative easing of different dimention. 

BOJ and our government deem the economy in our country still in deflation and they would continue easing. There seems no choice for them other than going on montary financing. They would carry on monetization whether the economy may go further to inflation or not. JPY is getting much weaker against most of currencies since this exit decision by BOJ.

I am afraid, with inflation letting to go on, the government may be intending to substantially reduce the astronomically cumulated the governmental debt. They say there are 3 ways to cancel the national debt. One is default to refund the debt. The 2nd is to begin war. Letting inflation go on is the 3rd manuver. This last one might be what the government is aiming at.

This change in the finance in the country may torment people, especially people in poverty and living only with pension. It is a question that this problem won't be discussed in mass media or in the internet.

My father's generation had to go for war. People in my generation had not come across with such a tragedy, I always thought. This economical/financial mess may be comparable to the war, even though it won't directly expose our lives to danger. But who knows it may happen.

It is too strange people seem not to have understood what was going on and they are too optimistic talking about the possible rise of interest rate with their deposits at bank etc.  


13 years have passed

It's 13th anniversary today of the big earthquake in Tohoku and the consequent nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima.

In Fukushima, the damage from the earthquake is most prominent and long lasting. Of course, it is mainly due to the nuclear power plant accident. More than 23K people are still evacuated. 2343 people are enrolled in the earthquake related death statistics. Those numbers are possible lowest since more people must have been excluded in the statistics. Almost half of the people in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant are high risked for PTSD due to the experience of earthquake and nuclear power plant accident, a psychiatrist says.

Reconstruction from the disater has been a major agenda and propaganda in the politics. But it is now being forgotten or has become a ritual they recall only on this day every year. Decommissioning of the disastered nuclear power reactors should have been progressed much more. They should have started taking out the debris penetrated through the pressure vessels a couple of years ago according the road map to decommission. They have stopped renewing/publishing the road map. The destroyed nuclear power reactors are left untouchable while producing tens of tons of polluted water everyday. 

The nucler power plant accidents are still going on far from the decommisioning process and making the people suffer psychologically from it. In the beginning of this post, I have called today as the anniversary. But it was wrong. The disaster is still going on. We must remember it as a disaster still going on for the people in the area. 

Thinking things in this way, I have spent the hours in the afternoon pulling the weeds in the garden recalling of the day of the earthquake and the following nuclear power plant accident. 


C moll violin sonata of Bach played by Barchet and Veyron Lacroix

A recent night cap music is c moll violin sonata of Bach played by Barchet, violin, and Veyron Lacroix, cembalo. I have owned this CD for a long time but it is only recently when I knew how enchanting this piece was. Listening to it many times recently, I found it was really poignantly beautiful. 

 This rendition must be classified as romantic. Rather slow with much vibrato. Deeply emotional. The 1st movement of siciliano is particularly moving. 

How Bach has been accepted in contemporary/modern era is told to start from romaticism before WWI, then through "Neue Sachlichkeit" between two WWs, to modern authentism. This rendition was made possibly in 50s. It may reflect Barchet's characteristics in performance. Still romantic. I could not imagine the other ways than this romantic performance for this siciliano. It is a matter of acceptance of this music for me.

Now, I am going to bed listening to this piece by Barchet again.