
My wife's birthday

It is my wife's 71st birthday today. And a day before closing her office. She has left home as if it was another usual day this morning. Carrying a couple of big bags as usual. I have watched her driving away to the office for a while. 

Both of our parents have gone to heaven for now. Both of us are stepping into the realm of the very last part of our life journey without any suggestions by parents as our parents have done. Everything will be new to us even though time may flow in the same way. May we have peaceful days together until the end of the journey.

I have purchased a gorgeous sushi set on a big plate at a restaurant for the dinner. The dessert is a piece of cake, which I bouthgt at a cake store whose owner's daughters had been my patients for a couple of decades until I closed my office 11 years ago. The girls were only toddler when I saw them first. One of them was working at the store today and was told to greet to me by her mother. A grown up beautiful girl was there. I felt time has flown away steadily.

Last night, my wife has whispered that it would be the last day in her career as a doctor in a couple of days. She has been invited to work at a clinic outpatient as a parttime by a doctor friend. It had been what I did in semiretirement and I thought it would be a good transition for her from full time to complete retirement. She didn't want, however, to be responsible for patients any longer. She might feel aging has been gradually depriving her of her capabilities as a psychiatrist, even if old age makes us sympathize others better. Being a psychiatrist is to share the patients' lives and would require good memories as well as the ability of empathy. I won't tell her to go on working part time any longer. A new life of retirement will start for her soon.

She will attend to the office for the coming couple of months and arrange things for complete closure. 

Again her same photo taken in the honey moon. Brilliant and happy girl. I should support her until end of our lives in order to report to her parents that I did it.  


  1. Congratulations to your wife for having reached the end of her working life. It is something to be celebrated and your special meal and cake should start that off nicely! I hope she enjoys many years of retired life. I retired in 2022 and am just now beginning to settle into this new lifestyle. It takes some time to not see it as a sad transition. Our working days take on a sepia-toned nostalgia once they are over, but there remains much life to live and to enjoy. I wish you and her the best of both!

    73 de Jeff KE9V

    1. I think it will take her some time to get accoustomed with the new life. But she seems to have a few things to do in the future. The future is still open to her. Career is not the only thing in life. It might be a bit painful to be used to that idea. I am sure, however, she will step into the new life successfully. Congratulations to you on your retirement as well. Best of luck and good health to you, Jeff.

  2. May you two enjoy many happy years together in retirement.

    1. Thanks, Susan. She left for work this morning as she had been doing for the last decades. I would hope your wish comes true.

  3. Congratulations to your wife and to you both Shin, may your continued journey be peaceful and rewarding, a well deserved rest after a very industrious career.

    1. Thanks for your kind wish. If you leave your name/call sign in your comment, I would appreciate it.

    2. Hi ShIn, I think this was me. I forgot to sign my name. I will try to figure out how to make myself not anonymous.
      Best wishes, Susan KD4VXO

  4. Congratulations to your wife Shin old man. My wife Emelyn will be 65 this Saturday and is still at work. Enjoy your peaceful retirement together.

    1. Thanks, John. Best wishes to Emelyn for her 65th birthday. You both have almost finished the responsibility for your children. Stay well.-
