
Growing old

A few flowers of Marie Gold in the garden are starting to wither to change to seeds for the next season. Not only at night but also in the daytime, the breeze feels cool and comfortable now. These changes might usher in the arrival of fall soon. 

When working hard in the garden, as I might have already written, I feel I have become "myself" without any acquired positions in my life. I could be free from desire or yearning for anything then. 

It might be a blessing in life when we could achieve in aged years. When we get older, we are apt to lose our capabilities which we have fought for in young days. But there is still such a blessing in elderly.

Recently, I was deeply moved by the fact recently that the 1st music of St. Matthew's Passion by Bach, a music of the largest scale ever among the prologue musics in Passions in the history and summarizing the content of the music, had been expressed as realization of the Song of Solomon. It shows the drama of Passion that Jesus would be crucified for our sin. I have known of this fact as a knowledge since young days. But the comparison of crucification of Jesus with the Song of Solomon sounds poignantly realistic to me. It is an absurdity and absolute paradox in life. Being able to understand it might be thanks to my age. 

Growing old is sometimes a hard thing but not necessarily always.

Hurrying up planting the vegetables for the fall and the winter upcoming soon.

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