Regarding measles outbreak going on in TX and vaccination, this site should be worth reading through. Very informative and easy to understand.
It is noteworthy the outbreak has occurred in the area most unvaccinated. It is regrettable it may spread world wide anytime.
During the course of the infection, the patient could be immunocompromised and could get infected with some bacteria leading to serious complication.
In addition to her description, when an infant gets infected, he/she would suffer from a fatal neurodegenerative disease named SSPE in several years or later. No effective treatment. It occurs only with a few cases in 100,000 patients. Not so many but still notable for pediatric field. I have seen a few patients in my resident days and know how miserable it is to children. IT IS PREVENTABLE with vaccine.
If your children should get ill with measles, I am afraid, the top of HHS won't save them or take responsibility for that by himself.
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