
Vegetables and flowers

Getting warmed all around through a day, it is the time to have vegetables germinate and to plant them. This year, I would more involved with growing those for main crop. One of them is sweet potato. The seedlings are sold at stores but only for a short period. Learning how to grow them by myself, I have kept this sweet potato in soil for a few weeks. I got this one from a super market. It has finally germinated. 

I am always much impressed when a plant or its seed bud out. It is a real miracle of nature. The recent studies have revealed there are hormones in plants working to antagonize each other for germination in complicated pathways being stimulated by the change in environment. Its balance leads to germination as they say. But it is still a wonderful system human could not completely reveal. It is embedded in gene. The gene function is modified and controlled by epigenetics. What a precisely constructed system!

My surprise may be dramatized by pleasure I could grow sweet potatoes using the seedlings from this. I hope the other sweet potatoes in hydroponics may give more seedlings.

Doesn't this look like a baby starting to grow? 

So are the gingers budding as well wrapped with wet paper in a plastic box.

The potatoes are starting to germinate in the farm. I have been looking forward it for a few weeks. It is a good timing for we are not supposed to have frost any longer this year. In case of frost forecasted, I would cover them with non-woven fabric.

The flowers belong to my wife. Tulips are coming out beautifully. I don't know why but pulling weeds there is my duty. The azalea behind may bloom soon.

Tatsoi have bloomed before they were harvested. Can we get the seeds from them? It was a useful vegetable last year. I would seed them this fall. 

 The news say that some of the wheat grown in the vast field in Ukraine could hardly harvested. If harvested, they could not export to the other countries where people need it for their life. In some countries in Middle East and North Africa, a bad deficit of wheat has started. Remembering of those people in war and hunger, I should appreciate being able to do some farming here.  

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